46 Chapter 44: Another Punishmen (1/2)
”What the hell?” The woman backed up when she saw the unbelievable sight
Ivery's body was covered in what looked like electricity and she quickly grew in size, the black dress and shoes that Luther created for her expanded as her height and body size grew.
Ivery stretched her arms out forward and smiled as her body grew.
”He's not my father...” The golden electricity around Ivery's body died down
Ivery walked close to the woman.
Ivery grabbed the woman's neck and looked her in the eyes.
”He's my fiance.”
”Let go of me!” The woman grabbed Ivery's wrist and tried to pull her hand off of her neck
”You think that'll work?” Ivery tightened her grip around the woman's neck
Ivery noticed the woman was choking as her grip got tighter.
”I'm barely using any strength..” Ivery pushed the woman back and up against the window behind her, with her hand still tightly wrapped around her neck
”How many times have you done this to men?” Ivery pushed her harder against the window
The window cracked.
”I-I c-can't breathe...!” The woman scratched Ivery
”Did you think this time you'd get away with it?” Ivery was infuriated, her red eyes glowed
Her light blonde hair slowly turned red, spreading from her roots to the ends of her hair.
”W-What...a-are...you?!” The woman looked at Ivery in terror
”You're not answering my questions...” Ivery pushed the woman harder against the cracking glass and the window shattered, Ivery let go of the woman's neck as she fell backward
”Be lucky that falling from that height would barely be enough to kill you.” Ivery looked down out of the broken window and saw the woman covered in small cuts slowly sit up
”Ah!” The woman held her leg and looked as if she was in pain
Ivery looked closer and saw that her ankle was visibly broken.
”That's too bad.” Ivery smiled and turned away
Ivery was unsatisfied, she wanted to do more...she wanted to make her completely regret doing what she did and was going to do to Luther...
Ivery turned her head and looked at Luther who was trying to look at her...but his vision was still off.
Ivery walked closer to him and reached out to touch him.
”W-Who...are you?” Luther grabbed her wrist
”It's me..” Ivery smiled
”Ivery..” Luther smiled as he recognized her voice
Luther yanked her arm and pulled her on top of him.
”Luther?” Ivery was taken by surprise
He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight.
”Don't leave me...” Luther lowly said in her ear
”I won't..” Ivery looked at him
Her eyes widened and her heart shriveled up when she saw tears running down his eyes.
Seeing him cry like that...made her want to cry. She wondered what he was thinking about, was he worried about her leaving him? Or did it have a deeper meaning...
Was he afraid that she was going to die?
”Luther.” Ivery patted his cheeks
”Hmm...” He flinched
”We...we have to go, okay?” Ivery tried to get off of him but his hold was too tight
”Don't...leave me..” Luther held her tighter
”I'm not, I'm right here.” Ivery stroked the top of his head gently
”....” Ivery was at a loss of what to do
The sounds of the woman outside yelling in pain wasn't helping her think.
”Loki.” Ivery said out
”Yes?” Loki appeared beside her
”Is there a way to get rid of the drug's effects on him?” She asked