44 Chapter 42: A Walk Outside (1/2)


”We have child twenty-nine.” The maids held a dark blonde haired boy with hair that touched his shoulders by his arm

His dark brown eyes looked at the maids furiously, he obviously was confused and angered as to why he was forcefully brought upstairs.

”Well, that's just great..” Ivery brought her hands up to her face

”Now boy, tell them what you saw.” The injured maid looked at him with desperate eyes

”What I saw? What exactly are you talking about?” The boy asked as he pulled his arm out of the maid's hand

”That girl over there, you witnessed her do this to me...” The injured maid pointed at her face

”....” The boy looked at Ivery and smirked

”I did in fact see what happened to you..” The boy nodded

”Tell them, so that this girl can receive her punishment!” The maid pointed at Ivery


”She tripped and fell face-first into that wall there....it looked like it hurt pretty bad...” The boy told the maids

”....” Ivery was shocked by his response

”What!?” The injured maid was disbelieved

”What a waste of time...” A maid sighed as she walked down the stairs

The other maids scorned the injured maid and followed the first maid down the stairs.



”Why would you lie!? You insolent child!” The maid raised her hand with her swollen face contorted in anger, intending to slap him

”Why could I not? You hit me, and you want to hit me again...so I'd never help out someone like you, even though I don't trust the guilty person...I'd rather be on her side than yours.” The boy slapped her hand away before she hit him

”Y-You..!” She gritted her teeth

”You'll both be going to the basement for this! I'll make sure of that!” The maid angrily walked down the stairs


”And don't mistake what I said as if I was helping you, I still don't like or trust you...but I hate these maids the most.” The boy said to Ivery

”Brat...” Luther crossed his arms

”Let's just go back to the room..” Ivery didn't regret helping the boy...but he was just too skeptical to be grateful, so she couldn't help but feel irritated by him


”I'm sick of being in here all day…everyday” Ivery laid on the bed next to Luther

”We're not doing anything by just staying in here…and I can't do anything related to saving the children here yet…” Ivery sighed

”Then what do you propose we do then?” Luther asked

”Outside…” Ivery's eyes lit up

”Outside?” Luther sat up and looked at her

”Let's go outside..” Ivery said with a smile

Ivery got out of bed and walked over to the window. She quickly opened the window.

”Why are we going out of the window?” He asked

”Jump out of a window?” Luther didn't understand but he smiled anyways

”No, sneak out of the house..” Ivery leaped out

Luther shrugged and jumped out of the window after her.


Ivery and Luther jumped down from the third floor of the castle.

They both landed on the ground.

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”Hmm…” Ivery already knew that she wouldn't sustain any injuries after jumping from such a height

”Now…where to go..” Ivery looked around

”Are you sure we should be leaving the castle?” Luther asked, unsure about what would happen if they were possibly discovered by Eos

”It's fine, she can only find us unless Xia's with her.” Ivery said

”What do you mean?” He asked

”Eos can't track us thanks to Hecate and Hades if you hadn't noticed, but that still doesn't erase the danger we face…” Ivery explained

”The only problem is….they both already know where I'm going to be…” Ivery said

”And that's in there..” Ivery pointed at the castle

”I see…” Luther thought about it and it made sense

”But being outside won't be a problem..” She smiled