36 Chapter 34: The Plan (2/2)

”Just temporarily, until I, Luther and my parents are able to find out and deal with Xia and whoever's helping her in the shadows,” Ivery said

”Who could be helping her?” Loki asked

”How should I know?” Ivery shrugged

”Maybe you can call Hecate to help? Maybe she knows something..” Loki suggested

”Maybe...” Ivery thought about it


”No need...I'm already here” Hecate appeared in the room

”Hecate...?” Ivery looked up at the godly figure floating in front of her

”Xia has made a deal with a dark fallen God...” Hecate told Ivery with a slight expression of sadness

”Fallen God...? Like Loki?” Ivery asked

”Yes...and no” Hecate told her

”Loki is a fallen God that was temporarily cast out of the Heavens because of his constant misdeeds, but he didn't give in to the darkness” Hecate explained

”The God Xia made a deal with is a God that was banished for all of eternity and fell into despair and decided to abandon the light and fell into the darkness” Hecate explained further

”What does that mean?” Ivery asked

”There are three different types of Gods, Gods, Dark Gods and Demi-Gods, Gods that are banished can be persuaded by Satan and his demons to become Dark Gods that only tempt humans to make deals with them, in exchange for a life-altering price” Hecate slightly frowned

”Satan is in this world?!” Ivery was surprised

”Yes, there are different Satans for every world just like there are different Gods for each world, so of course this world has one too” Hecate told Ivery

”Then is Hades a Dark God?” Ivery was curious to know

”Hades is a special type of Dark God, his true nature is death and darkness, although he has not been tempted by Satan, he and Satan are connected since Hades is the God of Death, Hades sends evil souls to Hell” Hecate said

”Who is the Dark God that's helping Xia?” Ivery asked

”Eos, the Goddess of Dawn...” Hecate said the name of the God

”What happened to her that she became a Dark God?” Ivery wondered

”She tried to kill me....” Hecate told her

”It is highly forbidden for Gods to kill each other....since I am the origin of all magic, my position is invaluable to the Gods and all below” Hecate stated

”If I were to die, all magic would slowly perish”


”Aren't Gods immortal?” Ivery asked

”Not necessarily, Gods can be only be killed and injured by ancient holy artifacts that take the form of weapons, but the ancient holy artifacts are scattered all over the God realm and throughout the Heavens and even below the Heavens...but somehow Eos managed to obtain the dagger of Obilosis..” Hecate replied to Ivery's question

”I didn't notice her intentions until it was too late and she stabbed me with the dagger in my back....I never suspected she'd do something like that...” A single tear rolled down Hecate's face

”But...Hades came to help me and immediately banished Eos for all of eternity for injuring me and attempting to murder a high Goddess”

”I still don't know to this very day as to why...she wanted me dead” Hecate smiled


”Ivery...you must be careful, your powers are strong indeed, but not against Eos...so I will do my best to protect you from any harm that Eos may cause...but try not to enrage her any further than she already is if you ever encounter her...she almost killed me...and she could possibly do something to you that I might not be able to even bring you back from” Hecate's figure slowly dissipated



”What to do....what to do...” Ivery played with her thumbs

”Let's sleep on it, we might be able to think better if we're well-rested” Loki said as he curled into a ball at the foot of the bed

”Alright, goodnight Loki..” Ivery detached the outer layer of her dress and tossed it on a chair

She laid down on a pillow and closed her eyes...


Ivery adjusted herself to get comfortable in bed, she rolled onto her other side and reached for a pillow to hug.

She felt the pillow and it was abnormally hard...

She had the sense of deja vu...like this has happened before.

Ivery opened her eyes and saw....a beautiful boy next to her, looking straight at her.

His purple eyes were extremely familiar to her...his long black hair draping over his shoulders and spilled on the bed.

”You're finally awake, tired after all of that acting?” He smiled

”L-Luther?” Ivery sat up and looked at him...knowing her fiance all too well

”I assumed it would be fine to be in bed with you if I took this appearance” Luther's current appearance was that of an 8-year-old boy

”Why..are you here?” Ivery asked

”Well, since you're not supposed to use your magic, for the time being, I decided to stay here with you until everything is settled” He innocently smiled at her, causing her heart her tremble and her mind to shatter..her cheeks carried a dark red blush

No matter his age...he's always beautifully stunning! She'd never get used to his unparalleled looks...

Even though his face lost it's manly-handsomeness ....his younger appearance was uncannily similar to a beautiful little girl....his features were so delicate and smooth...he could easily be mistaken for a girl, he probably was seen differently when he was this age...

But Ivery couldn't help but see both a mixture of a boy and a girl in his appearance, if she looked more intently she could clearly see that he is in fact male...

”My parents already know the situation, so me temporarily staying here isn't a problem” Luther's small hand rubbed her cheek...she touched his hand on her cheek and smiled in comfort

Even though his hands were smaller than usual...they were still bigger than her's...

”There are more maids than there were here four years ago, and they sure didn't give me a warm welcome back..” Ivery told him with a stern look

”Maids are nothing more than livestock, they can die and no one will care, and they can be easily replaced....they're truly despicable creatures...they pose no problem for me” Luther chuckled as the look in his eyes turned sadistic

Ivery fully understood Luther's detestation for maids, his childhood was filled with bad memories and experiences....

Mostly all maids have the same mindset, and their true colors are unable to be shown to their masters...they're all in truth greedy and impertinent.


The room door abruptly opened..

”Child 31, it's time for your nightly chores” A dark blonde haired maid rudely entered the room

She stopped and stared in shock at the room she stood in...baffled at the sight...how could any of these room's be so cleaned and stable?

Her eyes then locked on Luther who sat in bed beside Ivery...

”Who are you?” The maid asked as she looked at him with icy eyes

