26 Chapter 24: Julianas Warning (2/2)
Juliana took the head from Luther's hands and just as she took ahold of the head...
”What the hell! What's happening!?” Hadien shouted
”Oh? So you're keeping his head alive?” Sariell noticed what Luther did
”He's better as a head” Luther casually waved his hand and Hadien's body caught on fire with a black flame
Hadien watched in terror as his body was burned right before his eyes...
Juliana placed the head in the box and put the lid on it.
”No!” Hadien shouted, seeing only darkness
”Oh and before you send him, make sure to cut out his tongue and sew his mouth closed for disrespecting my fiance and I” Luther ordered them
”Of course” Juliana and Stewell bowed their heads and nodded
Inside of the box....thousands of black bugs crawled all over Hadien's head...they burrowed in his ear, and dug into the bottom of his severed head. He couldn't see them....he could only feel..paralyzed with shock...he didn't even scream.
Ivery watched fully, she witnessed Hadien's death and punishment for insulting Luther...and possibly her..
Her eyes widened wide..when she saw Luther turn his head to look at her....he looked at her with a smile...but this smile was somewhat sinful....
An hour after lunch was over, Ivery's class went to the exercising center to train with their magic and physical combat.
After her class training workout was over, Ivery walked out of the exercising center...she planned on going outside for some fresh air.
Just as she was about to approach the front doors..
”May I speak with you? Princess?” A voice asked behind her
Ivery turned around and saw..Juliana.
”Yes?” Ivery watched Juliana walk up to her
”A word of advice..” Juliana took Ivery's hand and smiled
”.....?” Ivery looked at her with confusion...why was she talking to her personally for the first time like this?
”Advice?” Ivery asked
”Yes....” Juliana nodded
”Stay away from Crown Prince Luther..” Juliana kept her smile
”What..?” Ivery was slightly shocked to hear that
”For what reason?” Ivery moved her hand out of Juliana's hold
”Do you really think that he loves you? Do you think that you're special? Do you believe that he really wants to marry you?” Juliana laughed
”My crown prince...never loved anybody, he is incapable of such feelings....he really fooled you into believing he's in love with you...and you fell right into the trap” Juliana was hysterically laughing
”Your crown prince? Did he tell you this?” Ivery didn't believe one word she said...these words were words of a jealous woman..
”He didn't have to! I've always been by his side for 6 years! I've carefully watched him and observed his emotions...needless to say...he lost all of his ability to feel anything for anyone a long time ago” Juliana loudly explained
”Every single fiance he had, he killed each and every one of them in cold blood! He's being forced to marry you just because both of your parents want to preserve your infinite attributes in their families! It won't be long enough before he gets tired of this game he's playing with you, and leaves you for dead” Juliana couldn't stop herself from laughing
”Say whatever you wish...until Luther says it himself...I won't believe a single word from you, who are you to him? Do you really think that he's your friend? Do you really think that he cares about you? Do you really believe that he's incapable of killing you too one day?” Ivery smiled
”.....W-What..?” Juliana didn't think she'd talk back to her like that
”You heard me...you're only apart of his group because you were somewhat strong and slightly impressed him...I heard that Luther supplies all of you 'MVP's' with more power, are you truly strong anymore or are you so weak that you have to receive power from someone else higher than you?” Ivery laughed
”How dare you!” Juliana's rage rose up
”You think you have everything figured out...but in truth, you know nothing...” Ivery crossed her arms
”This marriage was not just an arrangement between our parents....Luther proposed to me himself and asked for my hand and marriage...in his room...on his bed” Ivery deviously smirked
”T-That can't be....you're lying! He'd never-” Juliana was stuck in disbelief
”If you're so curious...why not ask Luther yourself?” Ivery asked
”How could I ask-” Juliana felt a shiver go up her spine....this presence..it was his..!
”I'm disappointed in you...” A voice said behind them
”Forgive me!” Juliana turned around and kneeled on the floor
How long has he been standing there!? Did he hear their conversation...
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”I'm sure you're wondering how long he's been standing there....he was there the whole time” Ivery smiled
”W..Wha-” Juliana didn't believe...she would've sensed him if he were there the whole time...if she would've known...she wouldn't have confronted the princess..
”Juliana...you have a lot of audacity..speaking to her as you just did...and speaking about me as you just did....is disdainful...” Luther's cold eyes looked down at her
Luther began activating Ivery's curse mark often, after all of the trouble Ivery gets into now, he uses it to make sure she's safe...but when he activated the curse mark this time...he saw Juliana through Ivery's eyes...
He was curious as to why Juliana was with Ivery....he knew Juliana hated all of his previous fiances, and he knew about her obvious infatuation for him...
So he made his way...to where they were and he hid his presence as he stood behind Juliana, and closely listened to their conversation..
”Now...it's time for your punishment” Luther smiled