15 Chapter 15: The Dragons Golden Egg (1/2)
As Luther's team of 19 entered the Dungeon, they used magic to light up the cave.
As Ivery was walking in the deep water she felt her leg get stuck, she tried to tug her leg out but to no avail her leg would not come free. She wanted to call for Luther, but she didn't want to seem too dependant on him and his power...she didn't want him to think she was weak and need's a knight in shining armor to save her from every little thing, as if she's some damsel in distress that can't fend for herself.
Ivery tried to pull on her leg, but it hurt even more every time she tried.
”Inanna?” Beatrice looked around and didn't see Ivery anywhere
”Crown Prince!” Beatrice ran up to Luther
”Hm?” Luther looked over at Beatrice as they continued walking forward
”Where's Inanna?” Beatrice asked him, thinking he might know
”Wasn't she with you?” Luther looked around and didn't see Ivery
Luther turned back around and looked around for Ivery, Luther walked back down the path they came from and he heard splashing sounds nearby. Luther followed the sounds and saw Ivery trying to pull her leg out of something in the water.
”Ivery, what's wrong?” Luther looked at Ivery struggling
”My foot is stuck in something and I can't get it out” Ivery pulled on her leg a few more times
”Let me help” Luther's eyes glowed and he scanned the water for what could have Ivery's leg trapped
”...!” Luther's eyes widened
”What?” Ivery saw the shock on Luther's face
”Stop moving Ivery..” Luther said
”Why..?” Ivery asked
”Your leg is not stuck in something..a poisonous tentacle monster is holding you down” Luther told Ivery
”A...T-Tentacle m-monster?!” Ivery started freaking out, Ivery always hated octopuses and squids because of how disgusting they felt and looked to her, and now a bigger and evolved version of an octopus is holding her leg...
”Ivery, calm down” Luther touched Ivery's shoulder's
The monster grew agitated and pulled on Ivery's leg,
”Luther...” Ivery felt her leg being tugged downwards
”What's wrong?!” Luther looked around and saw a giant hole under the water
”Ivery..” Luther was afraid of losing Ivery...
”Hold onto me!” Luther quickly demanded
Ivery squeezed Luther's arms as soon as she did, the monster tugged her leg harder and her body went further inside of the water. Luther tried his best to at least keep her head above the surface. The monster pulled Ivery again and Ivery lost her grip on Luther's arms and was fully pulled under the water and through the giant hole that the monster was hiding in.
”Ivery!” Luther dived down and swam into the hole
Luther increased his swimming speed and accelerated himself as he swam towards Ivery.
The monster's tongue extended out and wrapped around Ivery's waist. The monster pulled his tongue back and pulled Ivery in his mouth.
Luther stopped swimming...Luther looked at the monster, expressionless.
Luther bolted at the monster, full empowered, boiling, overflowing, heated, rage. His eyes burned furiously with killing intent, Luther was ready to destroy the world, it already felt pointless the live without her...who could ever replace her? No one else in this world could ever fill the position Ivery had in his heart.
He'd rather kill this monster, and die in the same water that she died in, just to be close to her again.