Part 22 (1/2)
”But it will in tiht to be glad to pay 'em in a few years More folks will coood protection froer the taxes will be less”
”Well, I ain't going to pay any more,” declared the miserly butcher
Preparations for the picnic went on rapidly Tille of the lake, about three s were frequently held there in the summer time
It was planned that the new fire departines with therounds and there take part in a coed with the assistance of Bert and Vincent, and the chiefs of some nearby departments
In order that there would be protection to Lakeville, in case a fire should occur during the picnic, Constable Stickler was to be left on guard part of the day, and a man would relieve hiht see part of the fun In case of a fire, a er was to be dispatched on horseback, to summon the departine in the parade, so this, a request which was quickly granted by Bert and his chu to parade, Moses?” asked Mr Appelby of the butcher, the evening before the day of the picnic
”Parade? Not much! I wouldn't be seen with them whipper-snappers of boys”
”Well, those boys are all right, let me tell you If it hadn't been for Herbert Dare and his crowd, Lakeville wouldn't have a fine fire departround And another thing, insurance is less I renewed ive me a lower rate, as the risk of loss froines”
”If we had enlarged the bucket brigade it would have done just as well, and saved a lot of money,” declared the butcher
”Oh, nonsense You're an old fossil, Moses Why Lakeville ah at us any longer for not having an engine I'm proud to live in Lakeville, and I didn't use to be Guess I'll run forto,” said Mr Sagger quickly, as he kneas pretty sure of the noenial Mr
Appelby, whom everyone liked, did not enter the contest
”Well, I've changed ood fire departht much
No one could have wished for a better day than that of the parade and picnic It was a trifle warrove near the lake The boys were up early, attired in their new uniforms, and after an early breakfast headed for one or the other of the two engine quarters
The two machines were polished so one could see his face in them
There had been but one fire since they arrived, and that was a sine in Cole's barn had been used to put out the blaze, and the quick manner in which it accomplished the task showed the boys of what sort of work the chemical was capable
The other machine was as untried as the day it ca order It was planned to have a drill between the two Lakeville coet to a fire from a certain spot, and the one which won in that contest, would enter another in which would compete the departments from Jamesville, Weedsport and Northville Centre A prize of a silver tru the best and quickest work
At last all was in readiness for the parade Mr Berg strains of a lively march, the two cheer boys, in charge of the old hand engine, stepped out, and began a tour of the town
How proud the lads were in their gay uniforether, and the bright sunshi+ne illu froines, made a picturesque scene
Herbert Dare led his co on the long rope In the rear of the engine ca hooks, which were part of the new equipment
In the second division was Vincent and his coht up the sether it h the principal streets of the town, and being ad fireround Thither, also, went most of the inhabitants of Lakeville, for it was a chance that e of it