Part 17 (1/2)



So afor the the engine away

”Who was that fellow?” asked Vincent, who had noticed theto his chum

”Oh, a friend I once helped out of a difficulty,” was the answer, and Bert smiled, as he described the brook as a ”difficulty”

”What'd he want; more help?”

”No; he caet back to quarters Wasn't it queer old Sagger's place should catch fire?”

”Yes It serves his he's said about us”

”He's pretty mean, but I'ot h to build another”

The boys discussed the various scenes at the fire at soine, after being cleaned and put in readiness for another alarm, was backed into place

”I wonder if the toill take any action toward having a regular department now?” asked Vincent, as he and Bert walked toward their ho fuss over his loss, and, as he hopes to be the next mayor, he may start a movement But I'm just as well satisfied to have the department the way it is, for a while Of course, if the town took hold we could get another engine, and maybe a better alarm system Constable Stickler can't always be depended on”

”Still, he's done pretty good”

”That's right Well, so long, Vincent See you to-,” replied his chuht”

”I wonder who in this place can want a stenographer and typewriter?”

again thought Herbert, as he went into the house ”I wish that traot all about it

Never ain”

There was considerable talk in Lakeville the day following the fire in the butcher shop Most of it was done by Mr Sagger himself, and the burden of his cry was that the town ine It was pointed out to hiine was out of the question, and then he said they ought to have another hand engine and so of the Select caured up what it would cost, and feared his taxes would be too high At any rate, nothing was done, though every time he ht to be a regular depart about the hundred dollars he had offered for saving his shop

Considering that the boys had worked hard at the Sagger blaze, Bert had no drills for a week Then they were resu firemen But, about teeks after the butcher shop fire, there caave them almost more practice than they wanted

It was shortly after ht when the alaruardian, in spite of his age, and on one of his trips to the church tower he had seen a flicker of fla the bell-four short, sharp, quick strokes

The boys sleeping in the barn heard them, and so did the boys in their beds at hoine had been run out It was Bert's night on ”barn-watch,” as it was called, and he and his chuood effect that before the alarine from the barn

”Whew! There's quite a wind!” exclaiht is liable to be a bad one”