Part 15 (2/2)

One or two boys had been hanging around Cole's barn all day, having anticipated the alarine at once, but Vincent, who arrived shortly after the first round of two strokes, which showed that the fire was in the eastern section, would not perot to wait for the others,” he said ”It's only at night that the new plan is to go into effect”

Soon nearly every member of the company was at the barn, and, with yells, cheers and shouts, the boys dragged the engine through the streets to where the fire had been kindled

”Pretty good!” exclaiht minutes, and it's farther than it was to the Stocktonpile of boxes was blazing furiously, but the boys ran the engine close to a sot busy, the hose lines were unreeled, and, in less than threeheap where there had been fierce flames

”That's the stuff, boys!” exclaiathered ”First thing you know the toill have to vote you an appropriation”

”Huer, the ade was here we could do better than that The brigade is good enough for Lakeville, and it keeps down taxes”

”Yes, and sends our fire losses up,” added the ood fire departanization is”

”I don't believe it,” declared the obstinate butcher

For the next week the boys had several drills, and they showed a great i in the barn, though they were disappointed that no alarm came in to test their abilities Soine, for Cole, after , had mounted his force puarden hose to the spout With it he could send a sh not h the ser lines

”It'll do for small fires,” observed Cole, with much satisfaction, as he conteht that Cole finished the work of attaching his force pump, an alarm came in about eleven o'clock The volunteer division, which was assigned to barn duty that night, had hardly retired to the cots or the hay bell told them there was a blaze

”Lively, boys!” cried Cole, who assumed the post of captain until Bert arrived

Surely no boys ever dressed more rapidly than did the ten lads in the barn In really quick tiine out of the driveway, and Cole cried:

”Three strokes! Over to the south side! Say! But it's quite a blaze, all right!”

The sky was already showing a bright glow

”It's Sagger's butcher shop!” cried To like fury!”

The shop was indeed wrapped in flames

”Fire! Fire! Fire!” cried Constable Stickler, and scores of voices joined in the shout

”Coer, as he stood in front of his store, fairly juo if you don't hurry, boys!”

”I wonder why he doesn't shout for the bucket brigade now?” asked Cole, as he steered the engine as close as he could to the flaht, boys! Put out the fire!” cried Mr Sagger ”I'll give you a hundred dollars if you save my shop!”



Fro ade was also on hand, and had formed a line from the town pu shop as they dared to go The whole interior seeet water?” shouted Cole to Bert, who had arrived on the run