Part 9 (1/2)

”We'll have to hustle, boys,” called Bert to his little force ”That bucket brigade will have it in for us, and they can handle a haystack fire pretty good Let's show 'em hoe do it”

By this ti hay was The flames had mostly enveloped it, and Mr Ki pails of water at the base of the ignited pile

”Run the engine right down to the brook,” said Bert ”We won't have to pass the water so far then As soon as it stops I'll unreel the hose and Cole will call for some fellows to jump up and work the handles

Don't have any disputes The rest will pass buckets, and John Boll and Tom Donnell can handle the nozzles I'll pass water, this time”

The post of honor, of course, was at the nozzles, of which there were two Next to that ca at the handles, or brakes, while the hardest work and probably the least spectacular was passing the water

Bert deliberately selected this, as he knew putting out the fire depended entirely on the water, and he did not want it said that he chose the best position, as he wanted plenty of lads to assist hiade!” called Mr Sagger, who acted as a sort of chief at tiine,” cried Bert, in opposition ”Right down to the brook, boys!”

”Forer ”Pass buckets”

Bert and his chuine close to the streaave the the brake bearings and calling for ten boys to assist hirabbed the buckets fro underneath the tank, and ran toward the brook

In less than three ine in place, the boys at the handles could pump water, so quickly was the tank partly filled

”Now, boys, keep her as near full as you can,” advised Bert

There werehands Into the tank splashed pail after pail of water Up and doent the long handles, with a ”clank-clank” The flattened lines of hose filled out as the water squirted through theorous strea stack

There was a loud hissing, as the water struck the hot ereat cloud of steam arose

”That's the stuff!” cried Bert, from his position near the brook

”We'll have it out in a few er ”Douse out the fire!”

The ade had not been idle They had formed two lines, one for the empty and one for the filled pails, and the end allon of water on the fire But his was sloork coine He had to stop, momentarily, after each bucketful, to reach for another and to toss aside the eain, he could only throater on one spot at a tiround, whereas most of the fire was near the top But the hose lines could be aih into the air, whence it descended in a shoetting the stack all over

Such vigorous treatment could have but one effect In a little while the fire was under control, save at one place, and this was opposite the line for fire water from their lines there, as they did not want to wet the men

”Douse the blaze there!” cried Mr Kiood work of the boys ht yet be burned

”Don't you dare do it!” cried Mr Sagger to John and Tom ”We can put this out”

”Why don't you do it, then?” inquired the owner of the hay ”You've been long enough at it Here, I'll do it”

Heso doused Mr
