Part 5 (2/2)
”I' for you boys, Herbert Maybe the , after this barn fire Perhaps they'll organize a department”
”I don't believe so I heard that Mr Appelby and Mr Sagger were talking about it, and Sagger and his crowd object to spending the money”
”That's another point, Herbert You'd have to have money to run a department”
”Not much You see we boys would serve without pay, and all we'd need would be an engine”
”But engines, even the kind worked by hand-puet a second-hand one cheap We could raise the aht, Herbert But I don't want you running into danger
I'htful to take so much interest in the affairs of the town Your father used to be that way”
”Well, our house ed to the boys' volunteer department, we could put it out for you in a hurry”
”Don't suggest such a thing, Herbert I'er things have happened,off now to see soh this was the first ti a fire depart over the matter for some time Even before the barn burned down he had had the 'notion in his head, and, when he saw the futile efforts of the bucket brigade, he determined to take soe street, on the lookout for soht broach the subject, he espied Cole Bishop
”hello, Bert!” called Cole ”How's your burn?”
”It's getting better What you going to do?”
”Nothing special What are you?”
”Sa for so or fishi+ng?”
It was the vacation season, school having closed about a week previously
”Well, I wasn't exactly going swi, but I want to talk about water”
”About water? Say, you ought to see my force-pump I put some neashers in it, and it'll squirt fifty feet now Come on over I wish our house would catch fire”
”You do? What for?”
”Well, I'd show you how to put it out I've got ot the bucket brigade beaten a mile”
”That's what I want to find so a fire departreat! I'll belong, and I'll let 'em use my force-puuess we'd need soer than that, if we have a department,” replied Bert, ”but you can join, and we'll let you fix the engine puet out of order”
”Will you, really? Say, that's immense!”