Part 1 (1/2)

Living In The Balance of Grace And Faith.

Combining Two Powerful Forces to Receive from G.o.d.

By Andrew Wommack


The balance of grace and faith is an important foundational truth. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you deal with this on a daily basis.

The body of Christ is basically divided into two groups: those who emphasize grace (G.o.d's part) and those who emphasize faith (our part).

One group preaches that everything is totally up to G.o.d. The other group teaches that there are many things that we must do. Both contend that the other group is totally wrong.

On a personal level, we may phrase this issue in many different ways, but it all comes down to the questions, ”What part is G.o.d's responsibility, and what part is mine? What must I do?”

The Bible clearly teaches a balance between grace (G.o.d's part) and faith (our part). As you open up your heart to receive G.o.d's Word, the Lord has some life-changing truths He wants to share with you.

Chapter 1, Sodium and Chloride.

We can become so familiar with a certain pa.s.sage of scripture that we don't really know what it says. We don't pay attention to it anymore because it has become so common to us. Ephesians 2:8-9 has become one such pa.s.sage for many believers.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of G.o.d: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

There are some profound truths revealed here, one of which is that we are saved by grace through faith.

The body of Christ is basically divided into two groups: Those who emphasize grace (what G.o.d does) and those who emphasize faith (what we do).

One group preaches that everything is totally up to G.o.d. They say, ”Everything is determined by the sovereignty of G.o.d. It's whatever He chooses.” The other group teaches, ”No, you have to do this and that, and this and that.” Those who preach man's responsibility will normally say that those who teach that it's just all up to G.o.d are totally wrong. Those who preach that it's all up to G.o.d will teach against those who say man has some responsibility in the matter.

You might phrase this issue differently, but it all comes down to the question, ”What do I do-what part is G.o.d's part, and what part is mine?” G.o.d's Word clearly teaches a balance between grace and faith.

Appeared to All Men Even though the body of Christ typically divides into two camps-one emphasizing what G.o.d has to do, and the other emphasizing what we have to do-Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by grace through faith. We aren't saved by one or the other.

Now, to be technically correct, there is a parenthetical phrase in this pa.s.sage in the last part of Ephesians 2:5, which says: grace ye are saved.

I'm not arguing that it's wrong to say that we are saved by grace, but technically, it's not grace alone that saves us. It's really important that we understand this point. G.o.d has done so much for us by grace, but for us to receive what He has done there must be a positive response on our part, which is what the Bible calls ”faith.” There has to be a combination of both grace and faith.

You aren't saved by grace alone.

For the grace of G.o.d that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, t.i.tus 2:11 Grace is what G.o.d does for you. It's His part. It is something that was done for you before you existed. Grace has nothing to do with you. By definition, it is ”unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor.” If grace is something that G.o.d does and if grace alone saved, then every person would be saved because t.i.tus 2:11 reveals that the grace of G.o.d that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

G.o.d's Grace G.o.d's grace is the same towards everyone. G.o.d has been exactly the same toward every person who has ever lived. You may be wondering, Then why did so-and-so get healed and I didn't? Why did G.o.d touch them and not me? The problem is, you think that when you see something happen that G.o.d has done something or provided something for that person that He hasn't provided for you. G.o.d's grace is the same towards everybody because it's not based on, or tied to, what you do. G.o.d, by grace, has already brought salvation to every person on the face of this earth. (t.i.tus 2:11.) This is not something that is commonly understood. Most people believe that it's their performance that earns them extra pull and favor to get the power of G.o.d operating in their life. The truth is, the moment you begin relating G.o.d's blessing-the manifestation of His power in your life-to anything that you've done, then you have just voided grace. You've made G.o.d's blessing and manifestation in your life proportional to something that you've done. If you think that way, then you don't understand the grace of G.o.d.

G.o.d, by grace, already provided everything for you before you ever needed it. Take, for instance, salvation. Many people think that you have to ask G.o.d to forgive your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart to receive salvation. They will pray, ”Jesus, would You please come into my life?” They tell others ”Just ask Christ to come into your life.” That's not what salvation is.

A Nonissue Acts 16:30-31 provides a scriptural example of someone receiving salvation. Paul and Silas were in the Philippian jail, and the jailer came to them and asked: Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30 They didn't answer by saying, ”Ask Jesus to come into your life,” or ”Repent of your sins, and quit doing this and that.” They simply responded: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31 Believe what? This does not mean just believe that Jesus existed, or that He came.

Jesus didn't just die for the people He knew would accept Him someday He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2 Jesus died for every sinner who has ever lived on this earth. And He died for our sins two thousand years ago, long before we had ever committed them. The Lord doesn't wait until we ask Him, ”Please come into my heart,” to forgive us of our sins. The radical truth is, the sins of the entire world are already forgiven.

G.o.d forgave your sins before you existed. Before you were ever born, all of your sins were forgiven. Before you had ever committed a sin, G.o.d forgave them. Your sins are forgiven. Sin is actually a nonissue with G.o.d.

Already Been Forgiven This is not the message of the Church today. The Church is basically preaching that every time you sin, it's an affront against G.o.d. They say, ”You have to get that sin forgiven and under the blood before G.o.d can move in your life.” That's not what the scriptures teach. The Word reveals that your sins are already forgiven. You don't have to ask G.o.d to forgive your sins or to come into your life. What you have to do is believe the Gospel-that Jesus has already come, He's already died and forgiven the sins of the world.

Someone might say, ”Well then, if that's true, then everybody's saved, right?” No, this is not the case because grace alone doesn't save you. G.o.d, by grace, has made the provision and paid for every person's sins. People aren't going to go to h.e.l.l for s.e.xual immorality, murder, lying, or stealing. All of those sins have been paid for. The sin that is going to send people to h.e.l.l is the singular sin of rejecting Jesus as their personal Savior. This is what the Bible reveals in John 16: When he [the Holy Spirit] is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. John 16:8 In verse 9 of this same chapter, Jesus explained that the sin the Holy Spirit would reprove the world of is the sin of not believing on Jesus.

Of sin, because they believe not on me. John 16:9 The Church has been misrepresenting the Holy Spirit by saying that He's here to nail you every time you lie, cheat, and steal. That He'll get you every time you don't study the Word, or do this and not that. This preaching has made us sin-conscious. It has magnified sin. The truth is Jesus has already paid the price for all that. The Holy Spirit is only dealing with this one issue: Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ? If you have made Jesus your Lord, then all of your sins-past, present, and even future sins-have already been forgiven.

Identical Toward Us All Preaching that truth would get me kicked out of most churches. That is why my citywide meetings are normally held in a neutral venue, like a hotel or conference center. There aren't very many churches that will let me share these truths because they're just so radical.

Sin has already been dealt with by grace. (Heb. 9, 10.) Because it has been dealt with by grace, that means it isn't dependent on whether you've asked Him to forgive you or not. The truth is, G.o.d provided salvation for the entire human race by grace.

Again, t.i.tus 2:11 says: For the grace of G.o.d that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.

G.o.d's grace is extended exactly the same towards everybody-not only to you, but to every person on the face of the earth. Adolf Hitler had as much grace extended towards him as you and I have had extended towards us. Jesus loved every person who has done terrible things in the history of the world; He died for them and paid for their sins exactly the same as He did for all of the people who have received Him, love Him, and seek Him. The grace of G.o.d is identical toward us all.

Radical Truth G.o.d, by grace, has already provided healing for everybody. One of my staff members who works at our citywide meetings used to be a quadriplegic. Now he's up walking around and doing great. He was supernaturally healed. Every quadriplegic has had the same exact grace extended towards them. G.o.d isn't different toward any of us.

The moment you start saying, ”Well, why did G.o.d heal him? Why did G.o.d do this for him, yet He hasn't done it for me?” and you start thinking in those terms, you have to factor in your performance. You begin to acknowledge that you maybe haven't prayed enough or haven't done enough of this, or enough of that. You think your failures are why G.o.d hasn't done it. That's totally wrong thinking.

The grace of G.o.d is consistent. He's the same towards everybody. G.o.d is no respecter of persons. (Rom. 2:11.) He doesn't love one person more than He loves another. He hasn't provided more for one person than He's provided for another. By His grace, G.o.d has forgiven the sins of the entire human race. Grace is what G.o.d does for us, independent of us. Does that mean that everybody is saved? No, because not everybody has put faith in what G.o.d did by grace.

Prior to you existing, before you even had a need, G.o.d had already created the supply. Before you ever get discouraged, G.o.d has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings. He's already abounded towards you in love. You don't have to ask the Lord to give you joy and peace, to heal you, prosper you, and save you. He's already provided before you ever had the problem. That's awesome!

G.o.d, by grace, has already done everything. He antic.i.p.ated every need that you could ever have, and He already met all of those needs through Christ. Through Jesus, G.o.d intervened in the affairs of men. He's provided everything, and that happened two thousand years ago. Jesus hasn't died for a single person's sins since. He hasn't healed a single person since He took our stripes on His back two thousand years ago.

Salvation, healing, and deliverance have already been provided. When people today hear this truth and believe, all of a sudden what G.o.d has already provided by grace becomes a reality to them. As they mix faith with the Word of G.o.d, what He has already done by grace begins to manifest in their life.

You're saved by grace through faith, not by one or the other exclusively. Understanding this foundational truth will make a huge difference in your life.