Part 56 (1/2)
_Whatever, whichever_, and _whoever_ are relative p.r.o.nouns used indefinitely.
+Connectives of Noun Clauses+.
_If, lest, that_, and _whether_ are conjunctions proper. _What, which_, and _who_ are p.r.o.nouns introducing questions; _how, when, whence, where_, and _why_ are conjunctive adverbs.
+Remarks+.--Few abbreviations are allowable in ordinary composition. They are very convenient in writing lists of articles, in scientific works, and wherever certain terms frequently occur.
t.i.tles prefixed to proper names are generally abbreviated, except in addressing an officer of high rank. t.i.tles that immediately follow names are almost always abbreviated.
Names of women are not generally abbreviated except by using an initial for one of two Christian names.
Abbreviations that shorten only by one letter are unnecessary; as, _Jul._ for ”July,” _Jno._ for ”John,” _da._ for ”day,” etc.
1_st_, 2_d_, 3_d_, 4_th_, etc., are not followed by the period. They are not treated as abbreviations.
@, At.
+A. B.+ or +B. A.+ (_Artium Baccalaureus_), Bachelor of Arts.
+Acct., acct.+, or +a/c+, Account.
+A. D.+ (_Anno Domini_), In the year of our Lord.
+Adjt.+, Adjutant.
+Aet.+ or +aet.+ (aetatis), Of age, aged.
+Ala.+, Alabama.
+Alex.+, Alexander.
+A. M.+ or +M. A.+ (_Artium Magister_), Master of Arts.
+A. M.+ (_ante meridiem_), Before noon.
+Amt.+, Amount.
+And.+, Andrew.
+Anon.+, Anonymous.
+Ans.+, Answer.
+Anth.+, Anthony.
+Apr.+, April.
+Arch.+, Archibald.
+Ark.+, Arkansas.
+Arizona+ or +Ariz.+, Arizona Territory.
+Atty.+, Attorney.
+Atty.-Gen.+, Attorney-General.
+Aug.+, August; Augustus.
+Av.+ or +Ave.+, Avenue.
+Avoir.+, Avoirdupois.
+Bart.+, Baronet.
+bbl.+, Barrels.
+B. C.+, Before Christ.
+Benj.+, Benjamin.
+Brig.-Gen.+, Brigadier-General.
+B. S.+, Bachelor of Science.
+bu.+, Bushels.
+c+ or +ct.+, Cents.
+Cal.+, California.
+Cap.+, Capital. +Caps.+, Capitals.
+Capt.+, Captain.
+C. E.+, Civil Engineer.
+cf.+ (_confer_), Compare.