Part 50 (1/2)

14. So died the great Columbus of the skies.

15. Aeneas did, from the flames of Troy, upon his shoulders, the old Anchises bear.

16. Such a heart in the breast of my people beats.

17. The great fire up the deep and wide chimney roared.

18. Ease and grace in writing are, of all the acquisitions made in school, the most difficult and valuable.

Pupils may read or write the following sentences in the transposed order, and explain the effect of the change:--

19. He could not avoid it.

20. He would not escape.

21. I must go.

22. He ended his tale here.

23. It stands written so.

24. She seemed young and sad.

25. I will make one more effort to save you.

26. My regrets were bitter and unavailing.

27. I came into the world helpless.

28. A sincere word was never utterly lost.

29. Catiline shall no longer plot her ruin.


30. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

31. What states border on the Gulf of Mexico?

32. Whom did you see?

33. What is poetry?

34. Which course will you choose?

35. Why are the days shorter in winter?

36. When was America discovered?

37. Were you there?

38. Has the North Pole been reached?

+Observation Lesson+.--When the interrogative word is subject or a modifier of it, is the order natural, or transposed? See (30) and (31) above.

When the interrogative word is object or attribute complement, or a modifier of either, what is the order? See (32), (33), and (34).

When the interrogative word is an adverb, what is the order? See (35) and (36).

When there is no interrogative word, what is the order? See (37) and (38).

The sentences above will furnish profitable review lessons in _a.n.a.lysis_.


We suggest that, from two or more paragraphs of some interesting and instructive article, leading sentences be selected, and that the pupils be required to explain the office and the punctuation of the easier adjective and adverb phrases, to vary the arrangement in every possible way, and to discuss the effects of these changes. Then, after finding the general subject and the heading for each paragraph, the pupils may arrange these sentences and work them into a composition, making such additions as may be suggested.