Part 3 (1/2)


21. This verb signifies the frequent repet.i.tion of the same action, and is formed by adding the adverb tatze, peace-meal, as, I write often, tatze ne hiosgan.


22. It is thus called because it signifies to cause or compel to do any thing, and is formed by taking away the last syllable of any verb and replacing it with tudem or tuden, which alone is conjugated, and has the perfect tudari, and future tudetze, as varuhtuden, I cause to sin; veruhtze being the future of varuuen.


23. When the action is for, by, or through, (”para o por,”) this verb is used, having its termination in dem or den, perfect, deri, and future, detze; as panauan, work; whence is formed panauiden, which is the applicative, so that to say, I work for you, the phrase is Nee eme panauiden; and the mother to express, My son has failed me, (died), says, No notzi muquideri; although in the place of this applicative the preposition betzeguai, for, is used likewise, or de, by; as, Christ died for us, Cristo tamo betzeguai, or tamode muqui.


24. This verb serves to continue the action, and is made from the future, omitting the tze and subst.i.tuting sem or sen, as nenersem, I am continually talking, from nehren, I speak; the future, nenertze; biquesen, I am thus singing, from biquen, I sing; future, bequetze, for which there appearing to be no perfect, the imperfect, biquesenru may be used, and the same is the case with the words that end in hon, as merihon, go running; nenerhon, be speaking; biquehon, be singing, of which the future termination is sintze, as nenersintze.


25. This gives completeness to the signification of the word out of which it is made so full that nothing remains further, and is formed of the future taking away the final tze, and placing suam instead, as, baan, I eat; betze, I will eat; besuam, I eat until I have finished it all; todam, I leave; todetz, I will leave; todesuam, I leave forever,--at once. The penitent may say, Oquine haona no cananacemca todesuatze, Now, forevermore, I will leave my sins; the perfect being formed in coari, and the future in uatze.


26. This denotes the judgment that one forms of anything, as, denitzem, I judge it good; deni meaning good; hana Diosi denitzem, perhaps you esteem G.o.d? nee eme deosaritzem, I judge you happy; deosari meaning happy; nee eme naventzem, I consider you poor--pity you; naven meaning poor: and they form the perfect, tziui, and future tziuhtze.


27. When a thing changes so as to pa.s.s from one to another form or quality, this verb is used. Earth, tevat; genitive, teuhte; accusative, teuhta, whence comes the verb teuhtuun, I make me earth,--as do the sticks become, and bodies that rot. So dohmetum, make man, explains the mystery of the incarnation, as, G.o.d the Son made himself man for us, Dios noquat tamode, or tamo, betzeguai dohmetui. So batuum, is made water, bat, water; nasortaan, I throw away; nasortuun, is thrown away, to become corruption; of which the perfect is tui, the future, tutze.

28. There are some _Compound Verbs_ which end in donon, signifying to go to do something, which appear to be formed from the future, omitting the last syllable tze, and subst.i.tuting donon, as amudonon, I go to hunt; amun being, I hunt; the future amutze; c.u.mandonon, I go to gather wood, from c.u.manan, I gather wood, future c.u.mantze; baudonon, I go to bring water, formed of bat, water; vun, the future of vtze, bring, and donon, which has the perfect doni, and future dontze.

29. The termination guan, is usually a sign of the _Active Verb_, as in motzguan, I begin: maguan, or mahuan, I plough, and is added by the natives to some Spanish words they use, such are perdonaroguan, I pardon; ayunaroguan, I fast; velaroguan, I watch. Some form the perfect in guari, and future in guatze; others the perfect in uhri, and future in uhtze, uitze, or in guatze.

30. To form _Compound Neuter Verbs_, the verb daan, I go, is frequently used, as bahutunan, I melt (active); bahutudaan, I melt, or am melting, the neuter, barinan, I soften; baricdaan, I go on to soften; ziconan, I break; zicocdaan, I break (neuter); the perfect being dai, the future, detze.

31. _Other Neuters_ are formed of active verbs ending in an by changing it into en, as seban, I freeze; seben, freeze; basan, I ripen; basen, ripen; sepan, cool; sepen, cool; nacuan, hurt; nacuen, hurt. To form the perfect, the en is changed into i; but the future, although it always ends in tze, differs, as will appear by the vocabulary.

32. In the same manner as of Active Verbs in an, _Neuter Verbs_ in en are made, so from other actives in an, neuters are made in un, as, busan, I awake another; busun, I awake me; tutzan, I quench; tucun, I quench me, in the perfect changing the un to i, and the future to tze.


33. This language has the notable peculiarity of the verbs oftentimes differing greatly in the plural from the singular, as, vaquen, enter one; muume, enter many; voon, one to lay down; medaguame, lay down many; meran, one to run; voome, many to run; batemucun, to drown oneself; betecoome, many to drown themselves; batemean, drown one; batecodan, drown many.

34. There are many _Compound Active Verbs_ ending in puguan or puuan, which signify to pluck, as beguat, skin, genitive; beuhte, accusative; beuhta, whence beuhpuuan, tear off the skin is formed, and from mo, hair of the human head comes mopuuan, pluck the hair, etc.; sequat, flower, genitive, seuhte; accusative, seuhta gives seuhpuuan, to pluck flowers; nagua; root, genitive, nauhte; accusative, nauhta, when nauhpuuan, eradicate, is formed, their perfect being in uhri, their future in natze.


35. Estimative Verbs it has already been said end in tzem, but there are other verbs of that termination that signify certain pa.s.sion, failing, or quality, as, hisumtzem, I am hungry; veractzem, I am thirsty; vrutzen, I am hot; vtetzen, I am cold, which form their perfects in tziui, the futures in tziuhtze.