14 Wei Xia Ri Raised A New Hype (1/2)

Fortunately, after the thanking their ancestors, nature and God, the couple exchanged drinks to mark the end of the ceremony.

People watching were in awe because the man dressed in red and gold looked like a handsome man descending from heaven to whip the tyrant back to shape! The tyrant looked so small and tamed by his side as she struggled to keep herself from slouching. Her veil was too good to take off too! Most of them wished in their hearts that she rather put it on forever.

However, that night while Cai Jin was lead to drink with the men during the after-wedding party, Wei Xia Ri was clashing swords against assassins. It seemed like the sneaky attacks during the entire wedding seemed to be continuous failures. 'Smart of me to listen to Elder Jin,' she thought because she had been wearing an iron-jumpsuit that was made to be flexible and light as much as possible. It was hard to block them inside the sedan and while trying to complete the ceremony. If not for the armour, the soldier would have long been seizuring from the poison and then died an ugly death!

So to ease her movement, Wei Xia Ri wore tossed away her headpiece in exchange for a helmet.

Seeing her doing so, three men came at her at the same time. One with a sword ready to stab right through her and two others with the swords over their heads, ready to swing with every force they could muster. However, Wei Xia Ri's body was also a seasoned fighter, that rose to the rank of a general through her accomplishments in the throat as soon as she land her weight on his sword to disarm him. The two others after being parried were slashed to death, not by Wei Xia Ri who hesitated but a certain elder who watched over her like the general was his own daughter.

Elder Jin wiped the blade on the corpses' clothes before pushing it back into the sheathe to complete his cane once again. Coldness that contrasted his everyday expression but matched his beastly face finally appeared. ”General, myv apologies for taking too long.”

Wei Xia Ri shrugged. ”It's totally normal anyway. Let's just clean up and get rid of this mess. Plus,” she glared at the last survivor. He was gorgeous alright but it was just a pawn selected and sent by the sly prick once more. He was already kneeling on the ground so she might as well immobilize him further. ”This man, interrogate him nicely without hurting him.”

”Huh? But the Wei army swore to not conduct diplomatic negotiations General. That is only for fools!”

Wei Xia Ri shook her head, realizing how her force was mostly made up of muscle heads. ”No! I got one sweet method, I learned it from a great magi from the outside!” But to be honest, she learned it from movies and webnovels. ”I'd rather much prefer torture but I am a good person now, let's do it in a civilized manner!”

She then dug inside her boots. ”Here, it is called melatonin. Lay him on a comfortable bed too and give him what he needs but never, ever let him close his eyes and keep feeding him this every morning and night time. Got it?”

”That's a nice life!” The elder laughed. When the arrested man heard it, he felt perplexed, whether to laugh or cry upon knowing his incoming days of sleep deprivation. 'A good person? She is a she-devil!'

The bloody odor made Wei Xia Ri shake her head. She had just happened to watch a terrible reality that often occured in webnovels and that was killing. Imprisonment with varying degree of punishment in this era was certainly mind-boggling as their basis and societal decisions were rather beyond comprehension for a modern person.

'Picking the untainted scholar was really the best decision after all,' the bride rejoiced in her heart.

Then she slid the door open by a bit to allow ventilation. Meanwhile, she sat on the bed and waited after fixing her headgear once again. She waited and waited until the sun had set and yet there was still no sign of her little husband. 'Could this be the infamous so-called humiliation in novels?' she realized.

The authors always depicted a happy heroine or a displeased villainess or a tragic, young miss. Among the three, Wei Xia Ri raised a new hype. She shook her head and suddenly had the urge to visit the Flower Pavillion for a lady's night, women she could relate with and talk about vulgar topics that can humour her all night! Frustrated, she kicked a chair and ordered a shadowguard to get her a maid to help with the bath and him to pick her some snacks and drinks.

”My lady,” a maid called. It was supposed to be forbidden to come close to the bridal chamber however, this was the royal tyrant. She did whatever she pleased and tonight was no exception.