Part 3 (1/2)
I sighed.
I had to. It was going to be a long day.
It already was.
”I guess I shouldn't have spent that effort I did saving your hide from that ring of thieves you stole from. Not that it was hard, though you were sure having trouble with a bunch of merry me-” I raised my eyebrows and stopped talking. Probably the smartest thing I've done all day. She had pressed the sword harder against my throat to stop me from saying anything else.
”Do I need to show you how much better with a blade I've gotten?” She sneered. I'm kind of glad I couldn't see her at the moment. She never looked good when she sneered.
”It was never the blade that was the problem, you were just always clumsy.” I chuckled under my breath. Her hand shook casually, probably with rage. She was definitely going to slash my throat open.
Why do I keep talking sometimes?
”Gertrude. Let it go.” Hue ordered. He was not more than ten feet away now.
”It could be over though! Snicker Snack. Dead. Happily Ever After.” Goldie snarled. Yeah, she was p.i.s.sed.
”But... She...” Goldie gave up pretty quickly.
Midnight Magic!
Hue had Goldie whipped. Poor girl. I never thought she would let anyone tame her, let alone Hue. She always usually just did what she wanted. It was the thief blood in her. Her Grandmother started it, walking into a Bear Family's home. Similar to when I caught her walking around in my home after I helped her.
She lowered her sword and stepped back from me. I stepped to the side immediately and drew a second hatchet into my empty hand. I could see them both now.
Goldie was mildly how I still pictured her in my head. Auburn lit curls, that s.h.i.+mmered as if they were really made of a fiery gold, hung to frame her round and pristine face while draping over her curvy display especially with the tight clothing she currently wore.
The most unnerving thing was her honey brown eyes sparkling with despair. I had never seen them do that before.
I blinked a few times. ”Goldie?”
”What?” She glared at me. The sparkle of despair didn't fade. She looked like Faerie Fudge. Sparkling and beautiful yet hiding something dead inside.
”What did you do with Bonny?” I asked.
”Who?” She frowned at me like I had just asked where the wicked witch of the west had run off.
”Bonny. Graying Redhead? Purple silk uniform? Eye patch?”
She shook her head at me and looked at me like I was crazy.
I know Bonny hadn't been in my head. She had communicated with her subordinate. Besides, I'm not usually easily tricked by things like illusions. Not my style.
I could have sworn she had tugged at my leg though.
At least I thought so until I felt the tugging again and looked down to see the baby fox stirring in my pocket.
It wasn't Bonny. But then... where did she go?
”Hue?” I asked while turning to face him.
”Not here.” He said coolly.
”Gaggles of help Hue, Gaggles of help.” I sighed and glanced back at Goldie with a raised eyebrow. ”Personally, the green tights worked better for you, Goldie.”
”Something wrong with all black?” She asked in that tone that meant the answer to her question better be no.
”Never mind.” I sighed and shook my head. This wasn't the time to get sidetracked. Things were getting weird. And way too quickly. Where the fey did Bonny go?
I didn't get to think anything over much at all before I noticed Hue draw another axe hanging from his waist. It reminded me of the axe he had thrown. It wasn't on the floor now. Anywhere.
”You have the package.” Hue explained before turning away from me.
”Wait. Goldie is the package? What the fey, Hue.” I swore and stepped toward him.
He glanced over his shoulder and nodded at me, and started walking away toward his territory. I locked my jaw and watched him go. Stupid Hue, like he couldn't spend one minute to explain?
”Can you at least tell me if Gabbi crossed over into your land?” I asked.
I could see him shaking his head while still walking away. There was no way to be sure that was even an answer, but knowing him it probably was.
Someday I'd get a whole sentence out of him again.
Once he was far enough away so he was only a blur on the horizon, I slowly turned around to face Goldie in her tight black outfit.
”What is going on, Goldie?” I eyed her and stepped closer. She had already sheathed up her sword at her hip.
”What do you mean? I was not expecting to see you either. Honestly, I was rather hoping I would never have to see that disgustingly matted red cloak again.” She frowned and looked away from me with fumes of annoyance lingering between us.
”Great to chat with you too, Goldie. Love catching up on old times. If only everyone I knew would stop being so cryptic or tight-lipped, I might actually have more fun.” I rolled my eyes and stepped up to Goldie.
Once my hatchets were slipped away under my cloak, I grabbed at the thief's wrists. She yanked lightly but didn't really try to pull away.
”Let me go, Red.” Goldie spoke before crus.h.i.+ng her lips together until they were white. She wasn't even looking at me. She yanked away again but still not really trying. I could practically feel the melancholy oozing off her.
”You never called me Red before.” I said, letting my hands drop away from holding on her. Goldie knew something. She knew more than something, she always did. And I'm always the last person to know anything.
”Well maybe I should have, that way this job would be easier. Just do your job, and get me where I need to go.” She spoke about as coldly as Hue always would but with an edge of malice.
”Right. Then we should get going.” I sighed, glancing over her and dropping my hand from her wrist. She still wouldn't look at me. She just looked toward the tower with the smoke dissipating out the top and sides of it.
I was just about to turn my head away and slip my hood back on when she finally brought her honey brown eyes to look at me. Tears were formed in the bottom of them like actual pools of honey. They just made her glisten even more with a melancholy no one should ever have to endure. And for some reason, with the way she looked at me, I don't think I was the reason she was shedding honey tears.