Volume II Part 11 (1/2)
[120] Chapter iv pp 396-400, Vol I
[Illustration: FIG 108--Part plan of the temple at Elephantine]
[Illustration: FIG 109--Luxor, plan of the second court]
In the cases where the portico is within the courts, it is so 109); the colu to the pronaos and not to the court In the Te 110), while the fine court added to the temple of Luxor by Ra 111)
Both in the interior of the halls and in the external porticos we find an apparently capricious irregularity in spacing the columns
Sometimes intercolumniations vary at points where we should expect unifor 112) On two of the faces the columns are farther apart than on the other two The difference is not easily seen on the ordinary se one of the _Description_[121]
[121] _Description de l'egypte_, plates, vol iii pl 5
It is easy to understand why the spacing should have been increased in front of a door, an arranges 109 and 111)
[Illustration: FIG 110--Portico in the Temple of Khons]
[Illustration: FIG 111--Luxor, portico of the first court]
In the hypostyle halls we find colureat coluround,from the first to the sixth, as nine of the sed and proportioned no constant relation could be established (Fig 114) The transverse lines passing through the centres of each pair of great columns correspond to the centres neither of the smaller shafts nor of the spaces which divide theht have been the creations of separate architects, working without communication with one another and without any desire to make their proportions seem the result of one coherent idea
In the inner hypostyle hall at Abydos the intercolumniations which lead respectively to the seven sanctuaries vary in width (Fig 115)
This variation is not shown by Mariette, from whose work our plan of the temple as a whole was taken, but it is clearly seen in the plan given in the _Description_ These are not the only instances in which those early explorers of Egypt excelled their successors in minute accuracy
[Illustration: FIG 112--Part of the portico of the first court, Luxor From the _Description_, iii 5]
[Illustration: FIG 113--Portico in front of the facade of the temple of Gournah From the _Description_, ii 41]
Here and there we find the spaces in a single row of coluressively fro 105)
[Illustration: FIG 114--Part of the Hypostyle Hall in the Great Teular with Osiride piers and of the latter with colureat variety In the speos of Gherf-Hossein six Osiride piers are inclosed by six of quadrangular section (Fig 116) In the first court at Medinet-Abou a row of Osiride piers faces a row of colu 117), while in the second court there is a ement The lateral walls of the court are prefaced each by a row of columns The wall next the entrance has a row of Osiride piers before it; while that through which the pronaos is gained has a portico supported by, first, a row of Osiride piers, and, behind the 118)
[Illustration: FIG 115--Second Hypostyle Hall in the temple of Abydos _Description_, iv 36]
[Illustration: FIG 116--Hall in the speos of Gherf-Hossein (from Prisse)]
[Illustration: FIG 117--Medinet-Abou; first court]
[Illustration: FIG 118--Medinet-Abou; second court]
In the temple of Khons the peristyle is continued past the doorway in the pylon (Fig 119), and the inclosure is reached through one of the intercolumniations[122] At Luxor, on the other hand, the portico was brought to an abrupt ter 120)
[122] This is a126 in this volu the inner face of the pylon--ED
[Illustration: FIG 119--Portico of the Te towards pronaos]
[Illustration: FIG 120--Portico of first court at Luxor]