Part 13 (1/2)

17 ”a Coffin ”a Coffin,” floating: Ibid., p.11.

17 ”this comet portends pestiferous” ”this comet portends pestiferous”: Moote and Moote, The Great Plague The Great Plague, p.20.

17 clouds of flies clouds of flies: J. Fitzgerald Molloy, Royalty Restored Royalty Restored (London: Downey, 1897), p.167. (London: Downey, 1897), p.167.

17 ”A deformed monster” ”A deformed monster”: Neil Hanson, The Great Fire of London The Great Fire of London, p.28.

18 Robert Boyle Robert Boyle, renowned today renowned today: Westfall, Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England, p.124. The historian Frank Manuel discusses Boyle's belief in the imminence of the apocalypse in Portrait of Isaac Newton Portrait of Isaac Newton, p.129.

18 ”The fourth beast [in the book of Revelation]” ”The fourth beast [in the book of Revelation]”: Isaac Newton, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John and the Apocalypse of St. John, part 1, ch. 4, ”Of the vision of the four Beasts.” This posthumous work by Newton can be found, along with seemingly everything else Newton-related, at the indispensable Newton Project website, .

22 ”A nimble executioner” ”A nimble executioner”: Margaret Healy, ”Defoe's Journal Journal and the English Plague Writing Tradition,” quoting the seventeenth-century pamphleteer Thomas Dekker. and the English Plague Writing Tradition,” quoting the seventeenth-century pamphleteer Thomas Dekker.

22 ”the surest Signes” ”the surest Signes”: This quote and the description of plague symptoms in the next several sentences come from Rich.e.l.le Munkhoff, ”Searchers of the Dead: Authority, Marginality, and the Interpretation of Plague in England, 15741665,” Gender and History Gender and History 11, no. 1 (April 1999). 11, no. 1 (April 1999).

23 despised old women called ”searchers” despised old women called ”searchers”: Ibid.

24 ”Death was the sure midwife” ”Death was the sure midwife”: Nathaniel Hodge, Loimolgia Loimolgia, or An Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665. An Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665. See See

24 ”Poor Will that used to sell” ”Poor Will that used to sell”: Pepys's diary, August 8, 1665.


25 ”Mult.i.tude of Rogues” ”Mult.i.tude of Rogues”: Roger Lund, ”Infectious Wit: Metaphor, Atheism, and the Plague in Eighteenth-Century London,” Literature and Medicine Literature and Medicine 22, no. 1 (Spring 2003), p.51. 22, no. 1 (Spring 2003), p.51.

25 kill ”all their dogs” kill ”all their dogs”: Moote and Moote, The Great Plague The Great Plague, p.177.

26 ”when we have purged” ”when we have purged”: Tinniswood, His Invention So Fertile His Invention So Fertile, p.115, quoting Henry Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society.

26 ”Little noise heard day or night” ”Little noise heard day or night”: Letter written September 4, 1664, by Pepys to Lady Carteret, in Correspondence of Samuel Pepys Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, vol.5, p.286. See

27 ”A just G.o.d now visits” ”A just G.o.d now visits”: John Kelly, The Great Mortality The Great Mortality, p. xv.

27 ”But Lord ”But Lord, how empty” how empty”: Pepys's diary, October 16, 1665.

28 Builders would one day Builders would one day: Raymond Williamson, ”The Plague in Cambridge,” Medical History Medical History 1, no. 1 (January 1957), p.51. 1, no. 1 (January 1957), p.51.


29 Iron bars in prison cells Iron bars in prison cells: Hanson, The Great Fire of London The Great Fire of London, p.165, quoting John Evelyn.

30 what Robert Boyle called what Robert Boyle called: Moote and Moote, The Great Plague The Great Plague, p.69.

30 ”Pis.h.!.+” he said ”Pis.h.!.+” he said: Christopher Hibbert, London (London: Penguin, 1977), p.67, and Hanson, (London: Penguin, 1977), p.67, and Hanson, The Great Fire of London The Great Fire of London, p.49.

31 Even on the opposite sides Even on the opposite sides: G. M. Trevelyan, English Social History (New York: Penguin, 1967), p.305. (New York: Penguin, 1967), p.305.

32 Slung over his shoulder Slung over his shoulder: Antonia Fraser, Royal Charles Royal Charles, p.245.

32 ”A horrid noise the flames made” ”A horrid noise the flames made”: Pepys's diary, September 2, 1666.

32 Stones from church walls exploded Stones from church walls exploded: Hollis, London Rising London Rising, p.121.

32 ”G.o.d grant mine eyes” ”G.o.d grant mine eyes”: John Evelyn, The Diary of John Evelyn The Diary of John Evelyn, vol.2, p.12. This is from Evelyn's diary entry for September 3, 1666, available at http.//indepth/archive/2009/09/02/evelynsfire.php.

33 People wandered in search People wandered in search: Hollis, London Rising London Rising, p.122.

33 ”The ground was so hot” ”The ground was so hot”: Hanson, The Great Fire of London The Great Fire of London, p.163.

33 ”Now nettles are growing” ”Now nettles are growing”: Ibid., p. xv, quoting from a pamphlet by Thomas Vincent, G.o.d's Terrible Voice in the City G.o.d's Terrible Voice in the City.


35 G.o.d had fas.h.i.+oned the best G.o.d had fas.h.i.+oned the best: Philosophers still debate precisely how Leibniz reconciled his belief that G.o.d had created the best possible world with his (apparent) belief in a day of judgment. One notion is that divine punishment was a feature of even the best possible world, because harmony required both that virtue be rewarded and sin punished.

36 Newton and many of his peers Newton and many of his peers: J. E. McGuire and P. M. Rattansi, ”Newton and the 'Pipes of Pan,' ” p.135. See also Piyo Rattansi, ”Newton and the Wisdom of the Ancients,” in John Fauvel et al., eds., Let Newton Be! Let Newton Be!, p.187; Force and Popkin, Newton and Religion Newton and Religion, p. xvi; Steven Shapin, The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution, p.74.

37 By far the most important By far the most important: The only challenges to the mainstream view came from the much-feared, much-reviled Thomas Hobbes and Baruch Spinoza.

37 ”All disorder ”All disorder,” wrote Alexander Pope: Pope, ”An Essay on Man.”

37fn ”this continued sterility” ”this continued sterility”: Jane Dunn, Elizabeth and Mary Elizabeth and Mary (New York: Vintage, 2005), p.17. (New York: Vintage, 2005), p.17.

38 ”too paganish a word” ”too paganish a word”: Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic Religion and the Decline of Magic, p.79.

38 The very plants in the garden The very plants in the garden: Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature Wonders and the Order of Nature, 11501750 11501750, p.296, quoting Walter Charleton, The Darkness of Atheism Dispelled by the Light of Nature The Darkness of Atheism Dispelled by the Light of Nature.

38 ”People rarely thought of themselves” ”People rarely thought of themselves”: Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence From Dawn to Decadence, p.24.

38 Atheism was literally unthinkable Atheism was literally unthinkable: People called their enemies ”atheists,” but the charge had to do with behaving badly-acting in ways that offended G.o.d-rather than with denying G.o.d's existence. Atheist Atheist was a catch-all slur directed at the immoral and self-indulgent. was a catch-all slur directed at the immoral and self-indulgent.