Part 17 (1/2)
The j.a.panese had stayed on in the other apartment. With extreme thoroughness, they had a.s.sembled their sophisticated bombs, and their next task was to place them in the selected places, as late as possible.
Long before the information was released to the press, Heydt had purchased all the details of the Senator's schedule, as well as most of the security plans, again from the double agent with the mysterious little firm in ostermalm.
The radio expert arrived slightly late. He was transported by a hired Danish fisherman from Gilleleje to the district of Torekov, pa.s.sing under the very nose of the National Police Commissioner, who at that moment was pondering his responsibilities in solitude.
The man's name was Levallois and he was considerably more conversational than the two j.a.panese. He had, however, also brought some rather disturbing news. ULAG's weakness was its communications, which were as yet insuffidently developed; otherwise Heydt would probably have heard earlier. A leak had occurred somewhere, and the police had begun to gather up various bits of information into quite an interesting picture.
Heydt had been seen at the action in India and had also been observed leaving the country after the in Latin America. Ever since, the police had stubbornly tried to establish some kind of identification by circulating through Interpol in Paris what meagre information they had to practically every government with a serviceable police or security force.
The leak could not have come from within ULAG, but must have originated in one of the countries in which Heydt had previously been active as a guerrilla mercenary. In any case, they had finally linked his real name with his description. The police in Salisbury were still insisting they had no idea whatsoever who he was, which was probably true, but the authorities in Pretoria, who certainly did not know what he was doing, said that he was a South African citizen, that his name was Reinhard Heydt, that he had not been convicted of any crime in his native country and as far as they knew was not involved in any criminal activity.
Up to that point, the leak did not appear to be especially dangerous, but unfortunately just after that Frelimo in Mozambique, who had him on their blacklist, produced a photograph of him which was sufficiently good to be reproduced and sent out by Interpol. He was not wanted for any crime. Interpol merely stated that the police in the Latin American state were interested in speaking to him and in receiving any information on his present whereabouts.
Heydt silently cursed the occasion when he had been photographed. It had happened two years earlier - a singularly unfortunate accident. During a raid on Lourenco Marques, his group had been split up and he and several others had been taken prisoner by Frelimo guerrillas. They were released a few hours later, but meanwhile someone had photographed them. The photo in question must have been an enlargement of this picture, and if Interpol had sent it out, then the Swedish police would certainly have a copy. This did not, as far as he could make out, complicate the operation itself, but on the other hand, he could hardly leave the country as easily as he had slipped in.
One thing was clear. During the few remaining days, his freedom of movement would be severely limited; in fact he could hardly risk going out. Up to now he had been able to move around Stockholm unhindered, but his outings were over now. And if he absolutely had to go out, he would have to go armed. To be recognized and arrested by a Swedish policeman would have been an ignominious end to a promising career, even though it would not save the famous American's life. The operation was much too carefully safeguarded for that.
Heydt's first response was to get rid of the green Opel. He got Levallois to drive down to Gothenburg, abandon it and legally buy a used Volkswagen, The apartment on Kapellgatan in Solna was a trifle too small for two people, especially with their two colour televisions, three radios and all the Frenchman's technical equipment. They arranged it so that the larger room was used as an operations centre, while they slept in the smaller.
Levallois was quite young, no more than twenty-two at the most, and his appearance did not betray his origins. He had a pinkish complexion and fair curly hair. Despite his delicate build, he was, like all those who had been through ULAG's training camps, very experienced in the arts of defending himself and of killing, with his bare hands as well as with a wide variety of weapons.
He had one handicap in Sweden, and that was the language, which was why on Monday the eighteenth Heydt had to get in the car and go into town for the last time before the operation. Levallois was a cautious type, and he had requested the components for a small generator just in case there happened to be a power failure in the middle of the ceremony.
Heydt put on his roomiest jacket, and those who saw him thought he looked unusually pleasant, strikingly tall and broad-shouldered - a Nordic type, blue-eyed and attractively suntanned - never dreaming that under his jacket he was carrying one of the deadliest weapons there is, a Colt revolver of the MK 111 Trooper 357 magnum type, and that he had three hand grenades hooked into his belt Two of them were American, filled with plastic-covered barbed shafts with wide diffusion. The third grenade had been manufactured in ULAG's own arms workshops. It had a thread coupling with a drag ignition and was intended for his own use in a situation where all hope was gone.
But nothing disquieting happened. He bought four large car batteries and a number of incomprehensible technical items that were on Levallois's list, then returned to the apartment The Frenchman appeared satisfied and rapidly constructed the generator. Then he a.s.sembled a shortwave receiver and tuned it to the police wave band. They listened to routine messages, most of which Heydt managed to interpret with the aid of police codes he had also bought from the agent in ostermalm. Levallois understood nothing, but seemed satisfied all the same. He busied himself all evening and most of the following day making final adjustments and checking the detonating apparatus until at last he seemed content and announced that nothing could possibly go wrong.
Heydt meanwhile was wondering how they would be able to leave the country. His appearance and build were to some extent a disadvantage, as every form of disguise would be easily seen through.
On the evening of the nineteenth, he lay thinking for a long time in the bath. It would work out somehow; either he could smuggle himself out the same way Levallois had come in, or else he could stay and lie low in the apartment until police activity died down. Some border post could undoubtedly be forced, if he waited long enough. Perhaps there would be some violence, but violence was his speciality and he was firmly convinced that he was far superior to any Swedish policeman he might come up against.
He washed very thoroughly, brushed his teeth, shaved, sprayed himself in appropriate places and groomed his blond sideburns with great care. Reinhard Heydt was particular about hygiene, so particular that it was almost a neurosis. Finally he ma.s.saged skin lotion all over his body, spread a clean bathmat on the floor and went into the operations centre, where Levallois was deep in an extremely technical book, all the while listening to the police radio, which he did not understand. Then he went to bed.
Heydt slept well and awoke full of confidence. He showered, then cooked a full English breakfast and ate it wearing his elegant bathrobe.
The Frenchman had risen earlier and had neglected to make his bed, which Heydt found slightly slovenly and interpreted as a sign of a none-too-high-cla.s.s upbringing. Heydt found him in the operations room, the police radio still on and no fewer than three technical books open in front of him.
Levallois did not say good morning. With some reluctance, Heydt placed his hand on the Frenchman's shoulder. For some reason he disliked physical contact, except in certain obvious cases.
Levallois looked up.
'Everything okay?' Heydt asked him.
'Absolutely. Provided Kaiten and Kamikaze adjust everything properly.'
'You can rest easy. They know their job as well as you and I do, and they know the plans inside out. We've decided to do it in the early morning.'
'And the risk of someone defusing the bombs? I suppose the police here have a bomb squad?'
'No, strangely enough, they don't. But don't forget that the police in that last place didn't find the reserve charges for several months. And they had bomb squads from both the army and the police, and they also knew where to look.' 'Have we any reserve charges?'
'Two. They cover the two other possible routes the motorcade could take into town, if the security boys suddenly have a last-minute flash of intuition.'
'The risk seems minimal,' said Levallois. 'The police never think that far ahead.'
'I'm sure you're right. Besides, the other routes are fairly illogical and create a lot of new security problems.'
'Well, then, nothing can really happen.' The Frenchman yawned. 'Everything's hunky-dory, here,' he said. 'And the won't mess up the final a.s.sembling, will they?'
'Out of the question. They can move underground the whole way if they want to. And they've reconnoitred very thoroughly. They placed the mountings ten days ago and no one's found them.'
'Sounds okay.'
Levallois stretched and glanced around the room.
'The reserve source of power makes me feel much better,' he said. 'Supposing we were suddenly without current tomorrow. Just dandy.'
'There've been no power cuts since I've been here.'
”That doesn't mean a thing,' said the radio expert. 'You only need one imbecile with a bulldozer to rip the cable apart somewhere and we've had it'
They listened for a while to the police radio.
'How are we going to get away?' said the Frenchman.
'What do you suggest?'
'Individually, as usual. I'll go direct, the same way I came.'
'Mmm,' said Heydt. 'I'll probably have to wait a while.'
Levallois looked relieved. He had no particular wish to die, and knew his chances of getting caught would be vastly increased if the South African suggested accompanying him in the fis.h.i.+ng boat 'How about a game of chess?' said the radio expert after a while.
Heydt played the Marshall variant in Sicilian, a brilliant game invented a long time ago by an American sea captain, who then transformed many a grand master of the time into a loser, gaping with astonishment. Bold moves, ruthless stakes, almost like war.
The only thing wrong with it was that you could catch out a good opponent only once. After that he'd look in an a.n.a.lysis book and learn the right moves, which on the board appeared quite incomprehensible.
They had no chess clock, and the Frenchman pondered longer and longer over his moves, watching his position being torn to shreds despite an early superiority in number of pieces. Finally Levallois sat thinking for an hour and a half over one move, although Heydt knew his opponent's situation was hopeless and had been so for a long time. Heydt went out to the kitchen, made some tea and then washed his arms, hands and face thoroughly. When he went back, the Frenchman was still sitting with his head in his hands, staring at the board.
Two moves later he had to give up.
His expression was offended, as he was a bad loser by nature and also had been taught never to lose. The only loss ULAG approved of was loss of life. In impossible situations, that was to be self-inflicted.
Levallois then sat without saying a word all afternoon, studying his technical books in sulky silence while the police radio continued to pour out messages.