Chapter 511: Medical Care and Nursing (1/2)

Chapter 511: Medical Care and Nursing

Netros was in an even worse condition.

Not only he had bruises and wounds all over his body, but both of his legs had been broken, and every single one of his nails on both hands and feet had been torn off.

After being brought to Nidou Castle, Nurses Alpha and Beta had given them first-aid treatment, so their lives weren’t at risk. Still…

“…This is too much.”

Of course, Elsa was also upset after seeing their condition.

“I can’t just judge an entire race for the actions of an individual. I see that clearly now.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Just as Elsa said. Anyway, we have to heal them now.”


Just as Elsa was preparing herself to use healing magic…

“Wait, Elsa. You should use this instead.”

Jin gave her a magic tool that Reiko had fetched for them.

“Ah, this is…”

It was a magic tool that had been very helpful during the time of the “Magical Exhaustion Fever”. It was something Jin had borrowed from Lithia and the others.

Elsa’s “Völlig Genesung” consumes a lot of magical power, so Jin was trying to reduce that burden with the help of that magic tool.

In this case, she wouldn’t be using the tool to do the healing for her. Instead, she would be using the magic tool in tandem with her own magical power in order to heal Istalis and Netros more efficiently.

“‘Völlig Genesung’.”

First of all, Istalis. As a faint light wrapped her, the color lost to her skin due to internal bleeding was restored, and the cuts on her body were closed.

This was the result of the combination of the power of Elsa’s mental image and the magic tool’s ability.


Shion’s eyes were wide open in amazement.

In a matter of seconds, Istalis’ skin had returned to a beautiful white color, completely devoid of wounds.

Her breathing, which had seemed to have been painful, had settled considerably as well.

“Now here.”

After repositioning the broken bones, Elsa used “Völlig Genesung”. She was already using it like a veteran healer.

The external wounds on Netros’ body seemed to have healed as well.

“The poison is going to be the hard part.”

“Yeah, that’s right. …Reiko, please?”

“Yes, Father. ‘Analyze’.”

Reiko analyzed the toxins in Istalis’ body. She was better at this kind of work.

She then did the same on Netros.

“…I see. It appears that they used sulfur dioxide on them.”

Sulfur dioxide is a type of volcanic gas that is also produced when sulfur is burned. Saki had been made to inhale this same gas in the past.

It affects the lungs and causes respiratory failure. It seems that Istalis and Netros were able to somewhat mitigate its effects thanks to their sturdy demon bodies.

“That’s a terrible thing to use. They must have not cared whether they died or not.”

There were no such things as chloroform and dimethyl ether for use as anesthetic gases in this world, since chemistry wasn’t as developed as in modern Earth.

Sulfur dioxide, also known as sulfurous acid gas, is a poisonous gas generated by burning sulfur, so its uses may have been well known in the Frantz Kingdom.

“And there are traces of what seem to be mushrooms inside their stomachs.”

The first thing that came to mind to Jin was toadstools. Some of them had toxins that can make people unconscious, and even in this world, they were used as anesthetics.

“Got it. Thanks, Reiko. ‘Entgiftung’.”

Previously, Elsa removed the arsenic affecting Marquis Gehren Theoderic using “Extraction”, but this time she chose to use “Entgiftung” instead.

It was a spell for breaking down poison within one’s body of the highest level.

This was based on the “Detox” spell developed by Sally, and incorporating the Engineering Magic spells “Extraction” and “Decomposition”. Thanks to this, Elsa had managed to assemble all three spells into the most powerful detoxification spell so far. She had really come a long way.


After clearing away the poison left in their bodies, Elsa used her most powerful spell for treating internal damage. With that, the treatment on the two of them seemed to be over for the time being.

It would take a few more days for them to recover their lost physical strength and the torn-off nails to regrow, but the organ failures induced by their poisoning had been completely taken care of.

“Sister… Netros…”

Shion stared at them with anxious eyes as they were still far from regaining consciousness.

Jin then decided to leave their nursing to Shion and Lucas, and left a jar with Hourai Island’s special Pelshika juice by their bedside.

“Give them a little bit of this to help them replenish their Mana.”

Jin ordered Land 1 to be even more vigilant than before.

“I feel like we don’t have to be too worried about Shion, but the others are a different story.”