Chapter 436: The Wonderful Hourai Island (1/2)

Jin spared no detail about himself.

From everyone present, who couldn’t bring themselves to speak before…

“Brother Jin… Thank you. Thank you for trusting us with this.”

…Elsa was the first one to speak…

“Tsk, good grief. I knew you weren’t normal, Jin, but I would have never expected something like this.”

…Then Saki laughed as she said that…

“Ah, that’s right, Jin. Let us do our best to respond to your trust.”

…And Reinhardt nodded earnestly.

On the other hand, Berthie seemed to be overwhelmed by Jin’s story, as she grabbed Reinhardt’s sleeve tightly, but eventually relaxed her body.

“…Right. No matter what the story is, Jin is always going to be Jin. You’re my husband’s friend, and at the same time, my own friend as well, right?”

Mine also added to that.

“I never realized you were having such a hard time right under our noses. I’ll do my best from now on to help you as much as I can.”

Stearleana was completely befuddled, but still managed to pull herself together, and…

“Thank you for telling me about yourself, Jin. I’ll never speak of this with anyone else. Or perhaps I should say that I won’t ever need to return to that country.”

…Made such a bombshell announcement.

“T-That won’t do… I’d rather you come here again after returning to your home.

There was no exaggeration in saying that if she were to be reported as missing in the Emperor Shouro, it would turn into an international issue. Jin didn’t want to go out of his way to bring about unnecessary trouble, so he asked Stearleana to tread carefully.

Right after that had been settled, Jin moved onto showing some actual things.

“First of all, Daidara.”

It was a golem for civil engineering work. It had a huge body, 15 meters high and weighing 8 tons.



“T-This is amazing…”

Daidara appeared, making the ground tremble under each step it took.

There was a huge difference between hearing about something and actually seeing it with one’s own eyes. Even Reinhardt, who had seen the artifacts of the Shouro Empire known as gigantic golems, found himself trembling out of Daidara’s intimidating presence.

Even looking at a single one of its movements was enough to show that it was vastly superior to the gigantic golem that Marcus had dispatched. Its movements were amazingly smooth and natural.

“J-Jin! You’re definitely the best! The Magi Craft Meister!”

“Thank you. …There’s one more. The transport aircraft, Pelican 2.”

The Pelican 2 was taken out of the hangar in the corner of the square in front of the laboratory. Elsa was the only of them who had boarded it before.

“Well, hop on.”

“Huh? Jin, isn’t this just like the vehicle you had me board earlier?”

Stearleana was quick to point that out.

“That’s right. It’s the same model.”

“Hmm? It looks a bit like Jin’s carriage?”

Jin boarded it last, after everyone else. The pilot was Sky 2.

“Okay, then, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts…”

After making sure everyone had properly done as he said, Jin too took a seat and fastened his seatbelt.

“Okay, Sky 2, if you please.”

“Understood. Taking off.”

Powered by its 3 Magi Jet Engines, the Pelican was able to take off after a short run, but since it was the first ride for most of the people on board, this time they took a long takeoff run with modest acceleration and took off leisurely.


“W-We’re flying!”

“We’re really flying…”

“To think Jin holds this much power…”

Jin had told them that the machine was able to soar through the sky, but when the Pelican actually took off, everyone other than Elsa was overcome with excitement.

As they gained altitude, Hourai Island gradually became smaller and smaller, to the point that it could be clearly seen that it was a small island floating over the ocean.

“T-This is amazing… I knew we were going to be flying, but this is really something else, isn’t it?”