Chapter 308 The Movements of the 5 (1/2)

Although the transit checking in the Serroa kingdom was strict, in the Shouro empire, it was very simple.

Which was natural, as the country’s Imperial Guard squad 3’s leader was with them.

After safely crossing the Shouro empire side’s checkpost, they kept advancing for about five more minutes.

In front of their eyes, lied an unconventional city. It was the border city of Shouro empire, Banmu.

Just before getting to the city, Reinhart got off the carriage. Jin also followed him.

And then, Reinhart held out his hand and said,

“Welcome to the Shouro empire!”

It seems like he remembered how Jin also welcomed him the same way to Kunlun island.

“Looking forward to it, Reinhart.”

Jin also grabbed the hand and they both smiled.

Shouro empire’s skies were a clear blue.

*   *   *

“….A landslide?”

It was at Doppa village. A village consisting of about twenty houses, which lied between Shalulu city and Toka village along with Rakunoo village. It was a storage depot as well as a rest spot beside the highway.

A peddler’s carriage was brought to a standstill. About 5 kilometers away from it, there was a landslide from the top of a cliff, blocking the narrow road with boulders.

The road was one of the few narrow passages on the highway but during these past several decades, there were no landslides.

But since it has happened now, there is no point in talking about the past.

“When will the road open again?”

When he tried asking the soldier who was keeping watch so that no civilians enter the area,

“Don’t know. We don’t have the manpower to move that many boulders and there is also a possibility of further landslides. As of now, I can’t say for sure.”

Replied the soldier.

“You can’t be serious…”

This happened at the time when Rakunoo village, Toka village, Inado mine and Kaina village were in need of the necessities of life, such as salt, spices, clothes, etc.

“Well, we can’t really do anything here so let’s go back to Shalulu for now.”

“…Yes, conductor.”

And so they went back — Roland, who was in charge of fieldwork of the Raglan company, and a newcomer merchant.

*   *   *

The Quinta in charge of Shalulu city was Deneb 2. And Capela 2 was at Rakham and Spica 1 was at Prentz. And although temporary, Deneb 29 was also there to keep watch on earl Walter.

These cities were the major cities which connected Kaina village to Kurain kingdom’s capital, Alban, so Jin, as well as Laojun, gave importance to them.

And it goes without saying that earl Walter was on Hourai island’s blacklist of people requiring special attention.

[…This is weird, since there has been no heavy rain recently either.]

After hearing the report, Laojun immediately understood that humans were involved with this.

[Is it the ‘next plan’ which came up in Deneb 29’s report, I wonder.]

The cunning earl Walter only used pronouns such as ‘that’ or ‘there’ but didn’t use any proper nouns so even Laojun couldn’t grasp the whole plan.

[There’s no mistake.]

After thinking about whether he should report it to Jin immediately or not, Laojun decided against it as it wasn’t necessarily an emergency and he could just report it during the regular contact at night.

He decided to also put in the details he finds out during this time.

[I wonder where this person is right now. Investigate and report.]

Laojun ordered.

[Although, measures needed to be taken are extremely simple.]

He said. If he had a face right now, it would have surely been grinning while he thought,

[If we’re going to crush them, it should be thorough, and with one go, of course. If we could get concession from Kurain kingdom while at it, that would be even better.]

Laojun was properly (and darkly) growing.

*   *   *

“I have returned.”

Lithia Farrheit had finally returned to her house.

During the repair of Tetrada’s castle walls, there was an accident which injured some people. She had remained there to treat them.

Owing partially to her sense of duty and partly because of her own judgement as the relief knight squad leader.

“Welcome back, Lithia. Glad to see you’re doing well.”

She had reddish-brown hair and light-brown eyes. It was Lithia’s mother, Miria.

“You got tanned.”

It seems she was a bit surprised about her fair-skinned daughter returning home pitch black.