Chapter 303 The Border City (2/2)
Jin nodded.
“Most probably, the interiors were soft so they were transposed in a period of years.”
“Years, eh. Is it about a thousand years?”
“No, millions. Can also be 100 millions of years.”
Even Reinhart was surprised hearing that.
“Th-that much?!”
Saying that out loud, Matheus was surprised by his own words. And so, remembering his place, he straightened his back, cleared his throat and said,
“Ahem, I would like to listen to more of this but let’s go to an inn first. My subordinates are already getting the applications done so we should be able to enter the city immediately.”
Saying that, he stood in front and headed for the entrance of the city.
Jin and Reinhart (Reiko and Reinhart’s butler and attendant too) followed after him.
It was at that moment.
“Nobles! Please, I have a request!”
Along with that voice, a person came kneeling on the ground (dogeza – ).
(Woah, dogeza also exists here.)
While Jin was having such misdirected thoughts, Reinhart, to whom the ‘noble’ word was directed, was bewildered.
“Are you a citizen of the Shouro empire?”
The custom of ‘dogeza’ didn’t exist in Serroa kingdom, Egelia kingdom, Kurain kingdom, Francis kingdom and Elias kingdom. It only existed in the Shouro empire.
“Y-Yes! I am Barou and this is Belle.”
The boy who named himself as Barou looked to be about 14-15 years old. Belle, the girl beside her, also looked of the same age.
“Belle and I were working under a noble at Bololon but the previous day, that noble was regulated and we have lost our jobs.”
Jin was startled upon hearing that. It was probably a part of the reformation the Serroa kingdom’s executives decided on when things are related to Unifiers.
But as a result, there were people who had lost their jobs. There was a need for Nostalgia to properly deal with this situation.
However, first comes the two in front.
“I am a butler apprentice and Belle is an attendant apprentice. So we can do most of the jobs! Please, take us back with you to our empire!”
Reinhart had a troubled expression.
“You kids don’t have a visa, right?”
That was more of a confirmation rather than a question.
“As I thought. And so you thought of passing through as a noble’s attendant.”
“B-But! Belle and I are undoubtedly from Shouro empire! We also have a home there!”
Barou was clinging on, with a desperate face. But Reinhart was composed.
“Where is your home?”
“Hmm, the city beside Kuraimhilde, eh.”
“N-No! That’s not it! It’s a city north of Monto!”
Hearing that, Reinhart broadly grinned. Looks like that was a trick question just now.
“I see. ‘Daheim ist daheim’, they say after all.”
Jin didn’t understand what he was talking about for a moment there.
“Yes, there is no place like home.”
Hearing Barou’s answer, he guessed it was something only people of Shouro empire would understand.
“Hmm, it seems like there is no mistake that you kids are from Shouro empire. But we are also hurrying to return home, you see.”
Reinhart answered that they couldn’t possibly wait here till the visas of these two were done.
“N-no, please! Please, we will do anything! Please!”
As Barou said that, Belle, who had her face facing down the whole time, collapsed.