Volume 9 - Chapter 13 (2/2)

But, she was worried about Elsa too. No matter how good the people of Kaina Village were she was probably feeling lonely.

Then Jin got in touch with Gon, Gen, and the SP dedicated to Hannah.

“Iris speaking.”

Iris of the SP spoke as the representative. Jin briefly told her of Elsa’s disappearance and asked if she had by any chance happened to see Elsa around there. Her reply was,

“Yes, a young lady thought to be her did indeed come here.”

“A lady named Elsa of around 16 or 17 years of age is satying in the village headman Mr. Gheebeck’s house. She has platinum blonde hair.”

She was unmistakably Elsa.

“She seems to have received a warm welcome from the village headman’s niece Barbara. Hannah-chan is also with her.”

Hearing that, Jin felt relieved.

“Got it. I’ll go meet her tomorrow. Until then, take care that nothing happens to Elsa and of course Hannah.”

“Yes. I shall have Gon guard the house’s surroundings.”

And then the call was over.

Now it was past nine PM on Hourai Island. The time difference between here and Kaina Village was a little over two hours so there it was seven PM. It was already total darkness. It was time for the households to go to sleep.

Even if he went there at this time it would be useless. Or rather it would probably cause trouble and maybe even an uproar.

Jin calmed his inner conflict by thinking such thoughts. Then he spoke to Reiko.

“Reiko, there’s no doubt Elsa warped to Kaina Village.”

“Kaina Village, is it?”

“Yeah. Tomorrow, let’s see, at 8 AM local time should be fine. I was thinking of going to meet her.”

Jin said with a determined look on his face.

“Father, you’re returning to Kaina Village, right?”

Reiko asked as if to confirm.

“Yeah. At the very least I have to show everyone I’m safe, and the rest I’ll decide afterwards.”

Right now Jin wasn’t even afraid of taking a whole country on. But he wanted to avoid strife. More so because of Kaina Village.

“I was thinking of going there as Egelia Kingdom’s Honorary Magi Craftsman.”

Just in case he’d be assertive.

“Yes, I’ll bring Peach Blossom and the Magi Cannon with me.”

“Um, you won’t need either.”

He thought those things won’t be needed in Kaina village, and he wished they wouldn’t become needed.

Jin fell asleep half-anxious and half-expectant of tomorrow’s reunion.

*   *   *

“So Elsa-san was in a Warp Gate malfunction?”

This was Kaina Village headman’s, Gheebeck’s house. It was evening.

After a slightly early dinner, Barbara and Elsa were chatting. Although it mostly composed of Barbara talking about various things and Elsa responding.

“Mm. Although malfunction may not be exactly what happened.”

“That right? But, a Warp Gate, huh. Are those things common?”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

Barbara explained to Elsa who looked puzzled.

“Last year too, a person who was warped by a malfunctioning Warp Gate came.”

Hearing that Elsa was a little bit startled.

“A-and, that person is?”

“They’re no longer here. It was a misunderstanding but the feudal lord of this area, Earl Walter distrusted them groundlessly and they ended up leaving the village. Although the misunderstanding has been cleared already, they’ve not returned so we can’t tell them that.”

“And then that…”

Elsa wanted to say something, but at that moment Gheebeck came. By him was a small girl.

“Oh my, Hannah-chan, what are you doing here this late?”

It was nearly five PM. It was no wonder Barbara asked that.

“You see, I was wondering about Elsa onee-chan.”


Elsa was slightly surprised and looked at Hannah.

“Yeah. I thought, isn’t it lonely after appearing here by herself?”

Hearing that, Elsa smiled.

“Thank you. …Hannah-chan, right?”

“Mh-hm, ah, that’s right, I never told onee-chan my name, sorry.”

Hannah said and quickly bowed her head. Elsa giggled and smiled as she saw that.

“It’s okay. I was saved thanks to Hannah-chan, after all.”

The two had a conversation like that, then Barbara brought them another chair and,

“Hannah-chan, sit here. I already asked Elsa about many things. Hannah-chan, you also want to talk with her, right?”

She said. Hannah nodded in a lively manner.
