Volume 8 - Chapter 21 – Port Rock, For Just a While (1/2)

08-21 Port Rock, For Just a While

The next day, leaving the mass production of the VTOLs to Laozi, Jin started manufacturing the Quinta.

Their structure was based on the SP. Hollow Light Silver skeleton, muscles out of Magical Fibers, and skin out of Magical Skin.

To begin with, they would have about 30% of Reiko’s faculties, but usually they would restrain themselves to the level of nimble human.

Because the process needed to be repeated multiple times, with Reiko and Ann both assisting the work was fast. Reiko and Ann built the basic parts like the skeletons, then made the Magi Devices starting with the Control Core.

The countermeasures and such against the Subordination Rewriting Magic were the same as those the SP had, but as they were spies, there was a Magi Recorder added purely for recording.

Furthermore, he added functionality to let them tamper with their physical appearance. Specifically, the length of their hair, color of their eyes, height of their bodies, and their body shapes.

The length of the hair was manipulated, like a certain famous puppet did, by moving the hair in and out through the pores of the skin. The eyes could be changed by swapping the irises like contact lenses. The replacement parts were stored inside the body.

The length could be changed by up to 10 centimeters by adjusting the gap in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, hip, knees, and the ankles. The body shape could be made to look up to two times plumper by adding water between the layers of Magical Skin.

The hair could also be easily dyed a different color. Dyes were also stocked in the equipment.

For offense, they had stun guns and lightning magic. In addition they knew enough classical martial arts to use against people. Just in case, there was a built-in security device for erasing the memories and information.

The foundation of their movements was the same as that of the SP’s. On top of being able to mix among people, thanks to Mine’s assistance their general common sense was enhanced. Well, it could be questioned whether or not Mine knew common sense, but at the very least it was preferable to Jin’s.

While doing so. Mine was likewise a little surprised by [Transfer Info] but that’s a story for another time.

Laozi, with Reiko supporting him at his side, took turns with the repetitive craftsmanship, and as a result somehow the 100 Quinta units had been finished the same morning.

Just as initially planned the breakdown was, sorting by the size, 40 adult male types and 30 adult female types. For camouflage, ten teenage boy types, ten teenage girl types, and ten Reiko-types.

“All right, the names are, let’s see…”

The adult male type was named ‘Regulus’, adult female type ‘Deneb’ teenage boy type ‘Capella’, teenage girl type ‘Spica’, and Reiko type ‘Mira’. Each one was numbered starting from 1.

“My Lord, the first VTOL has been completed.”

Precisely then Laozi had completed a VTOL.

Jin went outside to look, and there was a matte black VTOL. It had perfect [Stealth] equipment. It was quite large.

According to Laozi, that was because it was meant to also be used as transport.

“Ooh, isn’t it nice.”

Jin said delightedly, and Laozi asked him to name it.

“Name, huh. Name…Hmm, this would’ve been a better Skylark, huh…”

As it flew up perpendicularly to the ground Jin imagined it as a skylark.

“Stopping mid-air is like a bird of prey, huh…I’ve got it, Falcon!”

A falcon. Falcons didn’t particularly stop mid-air look for prey, but this was Jin.

“Yes, then it shall be called Falcon-1. The plan is to roll out ten units.”

“Alright, I’ll leave it to you.”

Jin was about to start on the next project when Laozi spoke.

“My Lord, Elsa-san on Kunlun Island has called for you.”

“Elsa does? Did something happen?”

“No, she says she wants to have lunch together.”

Jin remembered that about two hours earlier, when he visited Kunlun Island to get Mine’s help in copying a normal commoner’s mannerism, there was talk of that.

*   *   *

“Jin-nii, come on in.”

“Hey, Elsa, Mine.”

“We wished to have the privilege of dining together so we called for you, and I hope we aren’t inconveniencing you.”

Was this really the attitude of that same Mine? If someone said she had been under the effects of [Hypno] they would sound very believable.

“Not at all, if you leave Father by himself he skips on his meals, so you were a big help.”

Reiko who came along made such a revelation.

“Jin-nii too really is obsessed with craftsmanship.”

Elsa said while giggling.

“Is that so, very well then. Come, let us dine.”

Mine had made some freshly-baked bread, plain omelette, vegetable soup with a refreshing taste, grilled fish and fruit salad.

It was just right for lunch.

“Thanks for the meal.”

After eating, Citran juice was brought out.

“Mine, are you okay to work already?”

Jin asked and Mine nodded.

“Yes, I have mostly become better by now and I feel that by working the condition of my body also returns to normal.”

“If that’s the case then fine, but…”

Jin looked at the five-colored golem maids’ number 100 models staying back a bit away from them.

“Those golem maids have done fairly well. But for young la…Elsa, please let me take care of her.”

Mine said, and so Jin told her to not work herself too hard and also advised the golem maids too.