Volume 8 - Chapter 11 – In Pursuit (1/2)
8-11 In Pursuit
To stabilize Mine’s condition, Sally had her drink one more mouthful of the remaining medicine.
This time she managed to have Mine drink the whole thing without spilling it.
“Sigh, she should be fine now. Now we just wait and see.”
Now Mine was breathing calmly.
“She seems to have also suffered considerable mental damage, so it will take some time until she wakes up.”
Sally said and so,
“Doctor, could I have Mine hospitalized here for a while?”
Jin tried asking.
Sally replied,
“Mh-hm, this is a house of healing so I don’t mind. However, as a healer, I would like you to tell me about that medicine.”
And she brought out her bargaining point. Well, the topic was going to come up no matter what so,
“Sure, alright. I made that medicine.”
Jin replied honestly. He thought this healer Sally was somehow trustworthy. She was a woman, but she gave off the same impression as Reinhardt and himself.
“You made it!? Are you an alchemist?”
Sally was astonished.
“No, I’m a Magi Craftsman. I heard of the recipe of the restorative medicine from somewhere, so I made one as an experiment.”
“Whawhawha-what? You heard of the recipe? You heard of the recipe that’s more valuable than life to alchemists?”
Sally was even more astonished. Oops, Jin thought, and decided to alter the story.
“No, the one I heard it from was an Automata, you see. Not only that, but one from the times of the Great Magic War.”
Sally was well surprised. Jin had thought she’d be calm and collected, but maybe she was unexpectedly an easily excited person.
“The old Automata, see, after telling me that they completely stopped working, and that was the only thing I heard. Furthermore, the information was incomplete.”
Jin then just told her that he had made the medicine by using healing magic to charge the serum of a devil beast, which he had made by settling some of the blood he had had on hand. The centrifuge and the like would’ve been difficult to explain and so he omitted them.
“Hmm, so it was that kind of technique you say.”
However, despite that Sally appeared to have had some kind of an inspiration, and while grumbling she ruminated over the recipe.
“I can’t get my hands on a devil beast’s blood…But isn’t there something better than a devil beast…What’s important is the included Magic Energy…In that case…”
“Excuse me, doctor.”
Jin was irritated at Sally who was immersed her own world with no sign of returning, and he called out to her in a quite loud voice. Even more than Mine, he was worried about Elsa.
“Hm! Wh-what is it?”
“Mine will be fine now, right?”
“Mh-hm. As long as she recovers like this she should be fine.”
Hearing that, Jin made up his mind.
“Sorry about this, but could I trouble you to keep an eye on her here until she’s well?”
“Hm? I don’t mind, but there seems to be some story here.”
Sally said, and Jin summarized the story of Elsa and Mine to her.
“Hmm, she ran away with someone’s daughter. And got attacked midway, I suppose.”
“Huh. Well, I can’t think of anything else that might’ve happened.”
“And so I guess as far as her employer is concerned, she can’t go back to him.”
“Because she’ll be punished, I see.”
Sally thought about it for a while then,
“I understand. I’ll look after her for a while, why not until her health improves. It’s the least I can do after you told me about the restorative medicine.”
She said undertook the task.
Jin bowed and,
“Thank you, doctor. So, here’s the payment for the time being.”
He said and handed over three gold coins, that is, 30000 Torr.
“This is way too much…”
Sally started to say, but then guessed that it must also include the money for keeping quiet and accepted it without saying anything else.
* * *
As Jin didn’t have to worry about Mine for the time being, he hurried back to the hotel. It was already evening, but it seemed that Reinhardt still hadn’t returned. He then decided he’d leave a message.
“Could you please tell Reinhardt that there’s something I’m a little worried about so I’ll go check on it, and that he doesn’t have to worry about me.”
He asked the butler Claude to convey that to Reinhardt, left Ann in his room, and under the darkening skies he departed looking for Elsa.
Time was precious. It would be good if he had the golem horse Koma, but it couldn’t pass through the carriage’s Warp Gate. With no other option, he detached a horse golem from the carriage and straddled it. As there was no saddle it was unsteady, but as time was of the priority he endured it.