Volume 7 - Chapter 6 – Side Story 5: Kaina Village, It’s Been a While (1/2)

07-06 Side Story 5: Kaina Village, It’s Been a While

Just now, Jin had come to Kaina Village.

That was because he vaguely reminisced, and vaguely felt the want to try going.

He took the carriage’s Warp Gate first to Hourai Island, and from there to the Warp Gate in the shelter that had been established non the outskirts of Kaina Village.

In Kaina Village too it was night.

The weather had been clear in Delead, but here it was slightly cloudy. A vaguely lukewarm air, typical of a spring night.

“Everyone’s already asleep, huh…”

With no entertainments or pleasures, the night in farmwork-centric Kaina Village was shot. When the sun went down almost all of the families went to sleep.

With the moonlight coming from a rift between the clouds he could somehow see the road. By himself, Jin walked down the nostalgic road.

“Martha-san, Hannah…I wonder if they’re doing okay.”

Quietly, Jin peeked into Martha’s house over the fence. Jin could see Hannah’s room through the isinglass window he had installed.

He wanted to take a look, but after rethinking it doing such a degenerate’s action would be bad, so after walking around the house he really had lingering attachments towards he moved on.

He went to the location of the pump. To the place where the first useful tool Jin had built using Craft Magic was installed.

“It still works perfectly, huh.”

Jin softly moved the pump’s handle. With its durability raised with [Hardening] the pump had barely worn down at all. Jin let go of the handle satisfied.

Next he headed towards the hot spring.

The hot bath made the sound of a free-flowing hot spring even in the middle of the night.

While it had been just a cabin with a tidy shingle roof, the whole building had been reconstructed to be sturdy. That must’ve been because of how much the villagers appreciated the facility.

Peering inside, Jin found that on the hole he had dug some hot-spring mineral deposits had accumulated and so he removed them with Craft Magic.

In the sedimentation tank that settled the fresh water and dirtied bath water, mud had piled up so using [Decomposition] and [Cleanup] he made it stay clean.

Jin kept walking around the village. He set out to the public square, where in spite of the gloomy moonlight light pink flowers were in full bloom.

“Kherry blooms, huh. They really are exactly like cherries.”

While he had been in Japan, they had been the flowers he loved the most. Jin stayed like that for a while, gazing up at the Kherries in full bloom.


Jin was brought back to reality by a voice calling out his name. Turning around, in front of Jin was,


The golem Gen. It looked like he was on midnight patrol.

“How may I help you tonight?”

“Mm, I just wanted to watch the Kherries bloom.”

Even though the other party wasnt’t someone he particulary had to hide things from, Jin felt vaguely embarassed and answered like that.

Then he suddenly realized something.

“Gen, how is Gon doing?”

“Yes, he is similarly going around defending the village.”

When Jin heard that he said,

“Alright, in that case let’s do it in turns. First, Gen, follow me.”


The thing Jin had realized was that Gen and Gon hadn’t yet received the countermeasures for [Subordination Rewriting Magic]. The same went for the horse golems.

Jin then left Kaina Village posthaste to make sure that the golems there would have countermeasures installed.

*   *   *

“Laozi, you’ve gathered the components necessary for [Subordination Rewriting Magic] countermeasure together, right?”