Volume 7 - Chapter 3 – Chat 4: Ninja Unit (1/2)

07-03 Chat 4: Ninja Unit

And here’s what Reiko was up to on the other hand.

She had noticed that ever since the 18th when they left the capital strange people were following them.

On the night of the 19th. Clouds.

Behind the hotel in the town of Kaltor.

One person was rendered helpless.

(Because Father dislikes killing.)

It had been fortuious for the person who ended up as the target that they got away with just simple bone fractures on both legs.

On the night of the 20th. Rain.

In the dead of night, in the hallway of a lodging house for visitors of the provincial city Buzzard.

Two people were rendered helpless.

(I see that the hair color’s different than that of yesterday’s person. Could several groups be sending shadowers like this?)

After stunning the two she had stripped them naked and tossed them out on the main road.

On the night of the 21st. Light rain.

On the second floor of the inn in Fragrant town.

One person was rendered helpless.

(Every day, is it. I should arrange for additional means of protection for Father.)

This person had been tied up and hung from the watch tower near the town.

And then on the night of the 22nd. Rain.

In the lodging house for visitors of the provincial city Dogran.

(It looks like they aren’t coming tonight, but I cannot be careless.)

Reiko then activated [ManaCom].

“(Yes, Luna speaking.)”

Reiko’s little sister, support-duty golem Luna immediately responded.

“Luna, come over here using the Warp Gate.”

“(Yes, Elder Sister.)”

Luna soon arrived teleporting through the Warp Gate installed in Jin’s deluxe carriage.

“Elder sister, you called.”

“Thank you for coming. I’ll be going to the research laboratory now. I’ll be back by the morning, I’ll leave protecting Father in the meanwhile to you. You can do it, right?”

“Yes, Elder Sister.”

And like that, Reiko moved to Hourai Island.

*   *   *

“Reiko-san, welcome home. How may I help you tonight?”

Hourai Island’s supervising magical intelligence ‘Laozi’ greeted her.

“Laozi, I have to consult you in regards to Father’s safety.”

“Ask ahead.”

Reiko and Laozi monitored each other to keep the other from behaving wildly, but it’s not like they had a bad relationship. Even less when talking about Jin.

Reiko explained everything in detail that had happened since the golem riot incident to Laozi. Laozi listened closely, and when Reiko’s talk was over,

“I understand. Elradrite, and [Subordination Rewriting Magic], was it, this does indeed sound like a nuisance. I’ll take deal with all of the golems here. Shielding and a Magi Recorder, right?”

“I’ll leave it to you.”

“And after that, about My Lord’s bodyguards.”

“That’s the number one problem, isn’t it.”

After that, for a while Reiko continued discussing the details.

“We’ll do that, and have you come to a decision about if it’s alright to install ManaComs to each of the golems?”

“Yes. Myself I’ll ask Father to install one for me, but please do it for everyone excepting me, Laozi.”

“Understood. There are many of them, so I’ll have them remodeled starting with with Soleil, Luna, Planetarium, and Satella, after whom I’ll do the numbered golems in ascending order.”

“That should be fine.”

Jin had already had internal ManaComs on his mind, and that being the case they took this chance to do the whole remodeling in one go.

“So, about building Father’s bodyguards, the Secret Police (SP), have you come to a decision?”

“Yes. Nonetheless, if we’re to build high-grade golems like that, we better get My Lord’s permission for it.”

“That’s exactly right. I’ll try consulting Father tomorrow.”

“Please do.”

Finally, they exchanged trivial news.

“Lately My Lord has not been in contact with me, so records have been piling up. Could I have them conveyed through you, Reiko-san?”

“That’s alright.”