Volume 5 - Chapter 19 – Kunlun Island’s Situation Report and Departure (1/2)
05-19 Kunlun Island’s Situation Report and Departure
That night Jin took out the ManaCom and tried to contact Soleil or Luna on Hourai Island.
Luna picked up the call.
“Luna from Hourai Island speaking.”
“Ah, Luna, it’s me.”
“Has anything unexpected happened?”
“No, everything is going well.”
After hearing that Jin was able to relax, and asked for a report on Kunlun Island’s progress.
“Yes, regarding Kunlun Island…”
According to Luna, Kunlun Island’s situation was as follows.
The dummy mansion was complete. The living spaces, workshop, dining room, and running water were all in order. Things were also made to look aged.
Some raw materials were also brought in to not raise suspicion.
Stationed on the island were five subordinates of the 5-colored golem maids: Topaz-100, Amethyst-100, Ruby-100, Aqua-100, and Peridot-100.
Three spare Warp Gate systems to Hourai Island were also completed.
Food stores were being filled to capacity.
It was possible to harvest a lot of the naturally occurring Citran and Appleles, but only few Pelshkas.
Some mining was also done to make it look like the mineral resources were being dug up for use.
“Good work, you’ve achieved a lot in this short time.”
Jin praised Luna and the others.
With this, it should be soon possible to deceive Reinhardt and company when they’re invited to the island.
“Okay, can you also make it look like it wouldn’t be strange to find artifacts on that island?”
“Yes, I think that can be done.”
Even though the orders were somewhat vague, with the information transferred from Jin and Reika, Luna and Soleil should be able to handle it.
“Alright, I’ll leave it to you. The reason I was asking is that I’ll probably be coming back before long.”
With that the transmission came to an end.
Now using the hidden Warp Gate to get near Blue Land should be good, Jin thought.
“Looks like this’ll work out.”
After resolving all the pending problems, Jin could relax for the time being.
* * *
Next morning.
“Farewell, Miss Elsa. Jin-dono, thank you for everything. I hope we’ll meet again.”
After breakfast, Marquis Firentsiano bid his farewells when Jin and Elsa departed from the villa.
They were heading north, to the border of Egelia Kingdom.
“Rai-nii is here.”
Elsa said and looked where Reinhardt was waiting in a carriage to meet them.
Because Reinhardt is a diplomat, he had pay a visit to the royal castle before leaving.
The line of carriages was led by the carriage of Reinhardt’s guards and servants. Next was Reinhardt’s carriage. After that, Jin and Elsa’s carriage. After that, Elsa’s guards and servants. Finally there were the carriages carrying everyone’s luggage and food.
“Oh, I forgot to make a damper again.”
Jin muttered.
“Hee hee, Jin’s an unexpectedly forgetful person.”
Elza who was sitting opposing Jin giggled. Reiko clung to Jin tightly and said,