Volume 3 - Chapter 2 – GOLEM BOAT RACE (1/2)
「This is a cheap and tasty shop.」
Jin once again observed Marcia who began to speak.
Even if it can be said that her appearance was that of a beautiful woman, her face was free of makeup and her hands and feet are also tanned light brown. Because of her work as a shipwright, the gaps between her nails have turned black.
If that’s the case, shipwrights don’t process their materials with magic, it seems to be an occupation of constructing with their hands.
Wearing a normal top and bottom of linen, she hung an apron from her neck to avoid getting it dirty.
「Well… where should I start from?」
Jin and the others sat around a table while drinking Kwue, the local specialty. By the way, Reiko was also drinking to pretend to be a human. Although Reiko doesn’t need to eat or drink, she was capable of doing so. You can say she doesn’t need to eat or drink, but was able to eat and drink.
Jin took a sip of it and felt that it tasted closer to cocoa even though its name was like coffee. He thought about going to buy it later.
Marcia also took a sip of the Kwue,
「This country, the Elias kingdom, is a country that develops ships.」
She started out in a manly tone. Jin also,
「Yeah, that I understand.」
「And so, annually, or rather every single year, a competition is held for the various ships」
So there does seem to be something like a race. It’s an effective way to improve technology.
「So, five days from now, there will be a competition for high speed boats.」
「Sounds interesting.」
Jin responded carefreely,
「It does sound interesting, right?」
Marcia said leaning forwards. And,
「Therefore let’s participate together! If there’s a problem with money, I’ll cover for it as much as I can.」
「H-Hold on!」
Jin stopped Marchia’s excitement.
「The story just took a huge leap. There’s a competition for high speed boats, please explain from around there.」
Marcia sat back down and drank the remaining Kwue in her cup,
「My bad, sorry. The competition for high speed boats has several restrictions or rather requirements」
「The size, that’s the length and width, the crew number, well I’ll leave that aside, and a golem to move, those are the requirements.」
「A golem?」
「Yes. Going in a bit more detail, the operator is a human, while the golem propels the boat.」
「Ah, I see」
He gradually came to understand it. In other words, it was a race of ships powered by a golem.
「So, I want you, Jin, a Magi Craftsman, to make a golem! Please, help me!」
Jin calmed Marcia who was excited again,
「I understand what you’re talking about. So, what are the merits…… the benefit of entering this competition?」
「Of course, it’s honour! For a shipwright, coming in first is great honour isn’t it? ? Well I can get the prize money too though」
Jin understood her feelings. If you make a model that moves, you would want to compete against others.
「So, why me?」
This was an essential point. Why was she so fixated on Jin when it was just their first meeting?
「There are rarely any freelance Magi Craftsmen. And above all, your response when you saw the ship I made.」
「Oh, the catamaran.」
「Yes, that! You called it a 『catamaran』? Then there are also other ships of such form right?」
「I-I guess」
He can’t say about other worlds though.
「In other words, Jin is a freelancer, and also a Magi Craftsman knowledgeable on ships. That’s why I wish to cooperate with you.」
After hesitating a little, Marcia continued,
「… My family have been shipwrights for generations, but after Father got engrossed in gambling, we lost the shop. On top of that, what women make here are often disregarded. However I want to get the shop running again…」
Hesitating for a bit, Marcia then continued her speech once again.
「… honestly, we have nothing left. If we don’t make a name for ourselves in this competition, Father’s shop will completely fall into the hands of someone else.」
Jin didn’t intend to hear about the circumstances for it that deeply.
「I see. But why do you put your trust in me on our first meeting?」
「It may not look like it, but I’ve been through a lot of hardship. If we talk a little after we meet, I can roughly get an understanding of the other party. Jin, I can trust you.」
Jin gave a wry smile,
「I can’t possibly refuse if you’re going that far.」
Reiko next to him was as expected, expressionless.
Because Jin agreed, Marcia,
「That’s the spirit! Alright, it’s decided. Until the day of the competition, Jin and I will form a team. Jin, where are you staying?」