Volume 2 - Chapter 3 – RED HAIRED GIRL (1/2)
Jin and Reiko were in the cave of the 《Warp Gate》 they emerged from. After leaving there, as Reiko had said, they were surrounded by a thick forest.
「Un, I wonder if this should be about slightly south of Hourai Island? No, probably because the longitude is shifted」
「Father, what do you mean by that?」
「Aa. I determined that from the position of the sun」
Jin left Hourai Island at around 1pm. Looking around, it seemed to be before noon. It was natural that the altitude of the sun was different.
「That would mean between Hourai and here, the longitude shifted about less than 10 degrees. Knowing the distance I can understand the size of this world」
Jin calculated the angle using a unique measurement ability of the 《Magi Craft Meister》, however Reiko did not seem to comprehend.
The knowledge in regards to this kind of thing was not transferred to Reiko, however the explanation would be left for later as there was no time, Jin said, and proceeded to walk into the forest.
「Now then, that voice calling for help came from somewhere here」 ⚑
「No, I do not hear such a voice」
Jin was troubled as to what to reply.
「W-Well then… so, which way is Blue Land?」
「Yes, it is this way」
Reiko took the lead and guided Jin. The undergrowth is short so walking was easy.
「Are there no wild beasts?」
Jin asked while walking,
「Yes. From what I have checked there are only small herbivorous animals. Even demon beasts cannot be seen」
「So that’s it, then that’s a relief」
「Yes. Even if there were any, I will protect Father with this body of mine」
The current Reiko could easily take on an entire country, so most things were not a threat.
After walking for 30 minutes, the forest stopped and a grassland appeared. A rampart could be seen on the other side.
「That is Blue Land」
「I see, so it’s a Fort City」
A Fort City that is surrounded by stone walls, that is Blue Land.
After further walking for about 20 minutes, they approached the rampart of Blue Land. Around the rampart were lined up stalls, crowded with people.
「Do we need anything to enter the city?」
「My apologies, I did not enter inside last time therefore I do not know」
「I see. Well for now, we’ll take a look at the stalls while gathering information. I will be able to understand the currency and level of tools here 」
So the two decided to look around the stalls together.
And because of that, they were able to understand a few things.
First, language. So far, the words Jin spoke in Kaina Village were the same.
Next, currency. This tooru was also the same.
After that, this country is called the Egelea Kingdom, it was the same as the Cline Kingdom that Kaina Village belonged to, a country of small groups.
And finally, this Blue Land is referred to as the economic centre of the Egelea
And so they gathered information while looking around.
「Oh, is this a 《Magic Crystal》? No, it’s a 《Magic Stone》」
There was a store that sold 《Magic Stone》 in a variety of colours.
「They aren’t very big… geh, 1 for 1000 tooru!?」
It was about 10,000 yen.