Chapter 97: Airtight, and the Chemical Slime (1/2)
Chapter 97: Airtight, and the Chemical Slime
I jumped over the rampart and saw the soldiers that had collapsed in the courtyard, then shot the servicemen in the feet who started to attack me one after the other with Brynhild In addition to 「paralyze」 not working on these people, paralysis bullets didn’t work either I’ll have them be quiet for a while
De froerous!? I was able to evade the bearound instantly Seriously, is it a heat ray?
The heat rays kept flying at et a clue
(Since it is an ie fro the castle wall at super-speed with accel-boost and jumped into the air over the Dee mythril sword and set it for a super-heavy attack
「Take a nap for a while」
Gokya!! The sound went and Deic nullification won’t do a daic effect added
Zusun!! The great deround, but even still he still tries to get up with his arround under the de it slide, and so it fell froe sword at the wings on its back and cleaved thelish)
While the de infinite slip bullets at the demon’s feet
The result was the deure fell it caused earthquakes It’s a bother to the neighbors, it was
I left the demon alone, and flew up to the nice wide balcony of the Eeneral Bazuru was there
「Well then, tih level de just one person can defeat……!」
「Even if you say that I did just that」
{translation version:
[Translation: Welcome to Mochizuki Touya’s house of pain!]
[Translation: That’s cheating, no fair! I’ mommy on you! Mommyyyyyyyy!]
[Translation: If yo face!]
While the de over and over, I answered
「Ku……But, that won’t happen to less Even for ic Nullification」 Even if I were to fall then I would absorb thatit useless!」
The general starts to laugh strangely very loudly Is this what they call 「Frog in the well」? I have a feeling there should be a better proverb but I can’t reeneral up I took “that” tool out of 「Storage」
Don! A cube that’s exactly 3 meters on each side was taken out on the balcony All sides excluding the base were transparent as glass, the insides were co sli it don’t have any poison, and it is primarily lives in the water It is basically harht 「basically」
「Wh- what is that!?」
「Allow me to explain, This one is called chemical slime, they clean the water, such a wonderful slimes they are However, they have one fault 1 hour after they have died they give off a horrendous odor Though it goes away after 2 hours apparently These one died about one hour ago, see?」
While explaining, I look at general with sidelong glance
「Yo- you wouldn’t……」
A eneral’s feet and he falls in like falling into a stone pit and disappears It didn’t target the general directly so「Magic nullification」had no effect It is a ic that connects one place to another The next eneral appears in the clear cube In that moment……
Frolass) the general screaoes pale and perspiration starts flowing
「St- It stinks!? The smell!! What is this smell!? Oueeeeee!!」
It really does stink His face started to turn purple Inthat gave off a frightening s to see a person pass out froeneral tried to concentrate on the iron glass plate with ic and try to break out of the prison However he wasn’t able to perform a proper spell He abandons it and sits in a corner of the box and doesn’tto endure it, but it’s useless The general’s surroundings are nothing but stink and his face cra he has to suck on is stink
Oh, he weakened His face is sloppy with tears, sweat, and snot There is an air 「Gate」at the top so he shouldn’t suffocate I tentatively connected it to an unpopulated area of the mountains, but at most it will inconvenience the animals that live there