Chapter 70: Decision and Message (1/2)

Arc 9: Inheritance of Babylon

Chapter 70: Decision and Message

「He-, Hey, what is the ozaru!? 」

「… Bride, you said… 」

「Touya-san!? 」

The four stood up and leaned towards me damn it, I made a mistake with how I said it!

「Wai-, Wait a minute ! I meant “Now” I meant I won’t marry “Now”! 」

When they heardGood, it looks like they heard what I said

「”Now”? Then, eventually you will marry all of us? 」

「Of course Unless you don’t want that, I will take all of you as my brides 」

When I answer Elsie, everyone seemed to calm down and went back to the seat

「I like all four of you equally and will keepyou as my brides But, it won’t be “Now” As it is I am little by little or perhaps I should say, I cannot afford todrained」

「… What do you ozaru?」

Puzzled, Yae asks me

「In the end, I’m also still just half aable to carry on my shoulder another person’s life, I also haven’t considered this deeply That’s why I want to wait a bit longer Until it becomes possible to accept all of you with full composure」

This is my selfishness I want to s are not Resolution, courage, love, knowledge and various others

My point is that I won’t let ive me some time until I become a man appropriate for them If they cast me aside then that’s their choice I will let them make that choice

「… You know, those are very convenient words, aren’t they? But I understood what you wanted to say 」

While breathing a sigh, Elsie uttered such words Her face makes a look of shock Truly, even if you are pressed for uy, who evades it It is probably so What I a to snatch away their freedom with my circumstances I believe that I’m a horrible man, if I say sothat you knoe can’t do solared at with scornful eyes However, I am not overconfident to that extent But I wanted to think that after the conversation,immediately casted aside won’t happen all the saozaru」

While bitterly s, Yae claps Elsie’s shoulder The clapped person herself is puffing out her cheeks with ‘Puuu’ and completely turns away

「… Even if Onee-chan breaks up with Touya-san, I ait forever For Touya-san toabout breaking up, did I!? 」

Lindsey laughs at her older sister as flustered Thank goodness, that was a joke

「I too don’t have any probles, it’s only going to grow To love, until it becomes unbearable 」

「I too will do my best to have to you like me even more 」

I unintentionally smile at Yumina’s word From noe are not just comrades, we are family, lovers, fiancées I have to act even row so that I a self-confidence even one day earlier

「Then, with everyone beco Touya-san’s fiancées, shall we line up one by one and receive a kiss from danna-sama? 」

「「「「Eeh!? 」」」」

Yuirl saying!

(ED: Nice Idea = (ナイスアイディア) would have been read as Naisu Aidia )

「Hey, is-, is-, isn’t it too early for that!? 」

「That, for-, for example, even if are betrothed, shouldn’t we socialize inwhile flailing her hands Similarly Yae’s face became red too I can understand Yae’s case, but unexpectedly it seems Elsie is a late bloomer too

「But, I have already received it yesterday, you know? 」

「「tsu~!? 」」

Towards Yu speed Elsie and Yae faces turned towards her! Well, I certainly did that, but…

「Me-, I have received it too… On-, on the forehead, that is 」

「「tsu~!? 」」

When Lindsey tiain, surprised and with evenspeed Elsie and Yae’s faces turned towards her Well, I certainly did that but!

「Th-, Then, then, then, U-, Us too, you have to do it for us too, you know! 」

「That… I want to do that, -degozaru… 」

What is with this develop about ht red but were directly fixed onfrom this… Because I have already decided that I will accept the out my hands, I pull Elsie in close For amy hand on her cheek, I slowly draw ht, it is e so, a certain kill thrusting attack which was released, gouged out the pit of my stomach With this, I faint for the second tiy for every ti that in the corner of my mind as my consciousness left me