Chapter 56: The Deic (1/2)

Chapter 56 – The De the「Gate」it was apparent that the fort was already in a critical state from the dark smoke that arose fro sense」no-attribute ic and looked ahead at the people inside the fort

Being that the fort was slightly elevated on the ed to hold down the eneave off the feeling of being nearly annihilated by the onco wave of fla the fort’s ra for a crack

I took out the smartphone from my chest pocket and searched for 「Yae’s older brother」I searched for him once before so I should be able to do it……found hiht and left He looks safe for the moment

「Your older brother looks like he is safe I can’t find your father however……」

「! We have to hurry towards the fort……!」

「Just you wait Do you really think you can just jump in like that and come out unscathed?」

Rin stopped Yae as all set to run to the fort Actually, with the fort enclosed by the enemy, it doesn’t look easy to approach However, there isn’t like there is no way

「I can use 「Long Sense」 and confirm the conditions 1km ahead then use 「Gate」to jump there If we repeat that then we can come out inside the fort It would be bad to stand out so I will go ain so I would like you all to wait right here」

「I see That certainly does seem to be best」

Rin puts her hand to her chin and thinks Are? Which res on the Fairy clan they can’t fly?」

「Eh? Aa, that’s ied kind we can’t fly They can be used to float a little But it’s exhausting」

Too bad I thought I could have Rin fly e and aio

I’ll have to use the method I spoke of before after all huh?

「Kohaku Take care of everyone If anything happens report it」


「!? This child can speak!?」

Rin looked at me wide eyed in surprise when Kohaku answered me Huh? Didn’t I say? Was it bad to expose that to someone from Misumido? Well, she kept quiet aboutsense」 and visually checked 1kood I opened 「Gate」inside the forest close to the fort

「Well, I’」

I exit the 「Gate」and co of the battlefield, the atmosphere was clearly not nors drift around

I look at the fort in front of me and think about the best way to jump in If I transport 2 more times I can be inside the fort, I don’t want to be spotted by the ene sense」to find a place devoid of enemy soldiers to jump to But, there wasn’t a place that wasn’t full of soldiers It can’t be helped, I’ll just have to find the place with the least aed my point of view for a little while and searched for a place where there were relatively few eneht to the side of the fort If I could beat down the t soldiers then it would buy ton New Model at ht side and loaded it with 「Paralyze」rubber bullets and loaded the Brynhild with bullets that worked against people with ic resistance charms


I pull out the New Model Arun) and aimed at the blind spots of the two soldiers fro them paralyzed Uwa, I think that’s pretty cowardly even for ht had been paralyzed just stood up slowly and took out the katanas at their waist!? What are these guys!?

I was surprised because the paralysis bullets didn’t have any effect But I was also surprised at their appearance

They earing a japanese style armor helmet with a katana in hand which isn’t a problee mask that covered their faces

Demon masks It extended from the corner of the helmet all the way down to the mouth so it looks like a visor used to protect the face but that’s not it The face has been completely converted into that of a dee was that the places not covered by the hel looked as red as a e

Because of the abnorun immediately but also pulled Brynhild and shot at their feet without mercy I don’t want to kill people if I can avoid it

But, regardless of s, the people that I should have shot their feet just baring down on erous!


I changed the resistance coefficient to 0 at their feet and they fell immediately Great! Slip is the best!

I took the opening and stepped on the left leg and petrified it then kicked their face as hard as I could After the uys are being manipulated by the ht and with the Brynhild init with rubber-coated bullets I shot the mask of the other soldier that had raised his katana

The bullet impacts the forehead and splits splendidly in half The pieces fall to the ground and the person falls as if their strings were cut

「Just what are they, these guys……」

I approached the fallen soldiers U, what is that sme…hey wait, this is……they’re dead? Could it be that the masks manipulate the dead soldiers? They can do that!?

That reminds me there was no blood froo They were already dead, so if the heart had already stopped then itthe dead……it’s that Necroames?」

It didn’t feel like a zombie soldier Probably because thethen the fort won’t be able to withstand it I need to enter the fort quickly and establish a counter plan as soon as the situation can be assessed

I extended the「Long sense」 into the fortress I didn’t want to unexpectedly run into an enemy attack I decided to look for Yae’s older brother first

Um…oh this person? Black hair, black eyes, a katana scar on the right cheek He’s wearing black ar an ordinary person, he’s rather cal to and fro


Because of the possibility of being cut down for appearing right in front of them all of a sudden I kept 「Gate」open and slowly stuck h and appeared in front of Yae’s older brother