Part 39 (1/1)
The home-coming of the Rovers was the occasion of a regular celebration at Valley Brook farm. The neighbors came in from far and wide and with them several people from the city who in former years had known Anderson Rover well.
It was a time never to be forgotten, and the celebration was kept up for several days. Captain Putnam was there, and with him came Frank, Fred, Larry, and several others. The captain apologized handsomely to Aleck for the way he had treated the colored man.
”I wish I had been with you,” said Fred. ”You Rover boys are wonders for getting around. Where will you go next?”
”I think we'll go West next,” answered d.i.c.k. ”Father wants to look up his mining interests, you know. We are going to ask him to take us along.” They did go west, and what adventures they had will be related in a new volume, ent.i.tled ”The Rover Boys Out West; or, The Search for a Lost Mine.”
”But we are coming back to Putnam Hall first,” added Tom. ”Dear old Putnam Hall! I thought of it even in the heart of Africa!”
”And so did I,” put in Sam. ”I'll tell you, fellows, it's good enough to roam around, but, after all, there is no place like home.”
And with this truthful remark from the youngest Rover, let us close this volume, kind reader, hoping that all of us may meet again in the next book of the series, to be ent.i.tled, ”The Rover Boys Out West; or, The Search for a Lost Mine.” In this story all of our friends will once more play important parts, and we will learn what the Baxters, father and son, did toward wresting the Rover Boys' valuable mining property from them. But for the time being all went well, and so good-by.
The End