Part 36 (1/2)

But the ledge was pa.s.sed in safety, and in fifteen minutes more they were close to the opening is the side of the mountain. It was an irregular hole about ten feet wide and twice as high. The a rocks overhead stuck out for several yards, and from these hung numerous vines, forming a sort of j.a.panese curtain over the opening.

While the two Rovers waited behind a convenient rock, Cujo crawled forward on his hand and knees into the cave. They waited for ten minutes, just then it seemed an hour, but he did not reappear.

”He is taking his time,” whispered d.i.c.k.

”Perhaps something has happened to him,” returned Randolph Rover.

”I do not like this oppressive silence. Have your pistol ready for use. We may need our weapons.”

”I've had my pistol ready all along,” answered the boy, exhibiting the weapon. ”That encounter with the lion taught me a lesson. If Cujo--What's that?”

d.i.c.k broke off short, for a sound on the rocks above the cave entrance had reached his ears. Both gazed in the direction, but could see nothing.

”What alarmed you?” asked Randolph Rover hurriedly.

”I heard a rustling in the bushes up there perhaps, though, it was only a bird or some small animal.”

”I can see nothing, d.i.c.k.”

”Neither can I; but I am certain--Out of sight, Uncle Randolph, quick!”

d.i.c.k caught his uncle by the arm, and both threw themselves flat behind the rocks. Scarcely had they gone down than two spears came whizzing forward, one hitting the rocks and the other sailing over their heads and burying itself in a tree trunk several yards away. They caught a glance of two natives on the rocks over them, but with the launching of the spears the Africans disappeared.



”My gracious, this is getting at close range!” burst out d.i.c.k, when he could catch his breath again. ”Uncle Randolph, they meant to kill us!”

”Indeed they did, d.i.c.k. And this is no safe place for stopping.

We must retreat.”

”But Cujo--?”

”He must be cautioned.” Randolph Rover raised his voice. ”Cujo!

Cujo! They have discovered us! Take care that they do not spear you.”

No reply came back to this call, which was several times repeated.

Then came a crash, as a big stone was hurled down, to split into a score of pieces on the rock which sheltered them.

”They mean to dislodge us,” said d.i.c.k. ”If they would only show themselves--”

He stopped, for he had seen one of the b.u.mwos peering over a ma.s.s of short brush directly over the cave entrance. Taking hasty aim with his pistol be fired.

A yell of pain followed, proving that the African had been hit.

But the b.u.mwo was not seriously wounded, and soon he sent another stone at them, this time hitting Randolph Rover on the leg.