Part 17 (1/2)

”The Congo is a pretty big stream, isn't it?” questioned Sam.

”Very large indeed. At its mouth it is about ten miles wide, and it is from twelve to fourteen hundred miles long. Stanley traced its course after an expedition in which he fought over thirty battles with the natives.”

”They must be fearfully savage.”

”Those in the interior are. The natives that live close to the ocean are peaceable enough, so I have been told.”

”And how are we going to get there?” asked Tom. ”I don't suppose there are any regular steamers running to the Congo.”

”No, indeed, Tom. I have written to a s.h.i.+pping firm in New York for information, and they will probably send word by morning,” was the answer.

It can well be imagined that the boys slept but little that night.

In the morning they telegraphed to Putnam Hall for their trunks, and also let Captain Putnam and their chums know how matters stood. Then began preparations for such a tour as none of them had ever before antic.i.p.ated.

Word came from New York in the early afternoon mail, and the information sent was highly satisfactory to Randolph Rover. The French steamer Republique was in port, loading for Boma and other African ports, and would set sail on the coming The firm had taken upon itself the responsibility to speak of pa.s.sage for Mr. Rover and one or two others.

”Hurrah!” cried Tom. ”Uncle Randolph, you had better telegraph to them at once for pa.s.sage for the four of us.”

”I will,” answered, Mr. Rover, and the telegram was sent within the hour.

The next day was a busy one. As but little in the way of outfits could be procured in Oak Run or the adjoining villages, it was decided that they should go down to New York on Thursday afternoon and spend all of Friday in purchasing in the metropolis whatever was needed.

The only person who was really sober was Mrs. Rover, for she hated to see her husband start on such a journey, which was bound to, be full of grave perils.

”I am afraid you will never come back,” she said, with tears in her eyes. ”And if you and Anderson are both dead to me, what will I do?”

”Be brave, Martha,” said Mr. Rover tenderly. ”I feel certain that a kind Providence will watch over us and bring us all back in safety.”

At last the party was ready to set off. A fond good-by was said, and away they rattled in the carryall for the railroad station at Oak Run.

”Good-by to home!” shouted Tom, as he waved his cap to his aunt, who stood beside the gateway.

”And when we come back may we bring father with us,” added d.i.c.k, and Sam muttered an amen.

The journey down to New York was without incident, and as the Rovers had lived in the metropolis for years they felt thoroughly at home and knew exactly where to go for their outfit and suitable clothing for use in such a warm country was procured, and in addition each was armed with a revolver. Mr. Rover also purchased a shot-gun and a rifle, and likewise a number of cheap gold and silver trinkets.

”The natives are becoming civilized,” he explained. ”But, for all that, I am certain a small gift now and then will go a long way toward making friends.”

The found that the Republique was a stanch-built steamer of eight thousand tons burden. Her captain, Jules Cambion, spoke English quite fluently and soon made them feel at home. He was much interested in the story Randolph Rover had to tell concerning his missing brother.

”'Tis a strange happening, truly,” he remarked. ”I sincerely trust that your search for him proves successful and that he returns to the arms of his family unharmed. But it is a fierce country. I have visited it twice, and I know.”

”I am glad to learn that you have been up the Congo,” replied Randolph Rover. ”Perhaps during your leisure hours on the trip you will not mind giving me such information as conics to your mind.”

”I will tell you all I know willingly,” answered Captain Cambion.

Exactly at noon on the Republique was ready to sail, and with a shout from those on the wharf who had come to see the few pa.s.sengers off, she sheered away and started down the bay, past Bedloe Island and the Statue of Liberty. Before night the sh.o.r.e line had faded from view, and they were standing out boldly into the Atlantic Ocean.

”Off for Africa at last,” murmured Sam, who had been standing at the rail watching the last speck of land as it disappeared. ”What a big trip this is going to be!”

”Never mind how big it is, Sam,” came from Tom, ”if only it is successful.”