Part 10 (1/2)
Taking up a steel blade, the master of the Hall cut open the envelope and took out the slip of paper it contained. As he read the communication he started. Then he crushed the paper in his hand and looked sharply at Sam.
”Samuel, was the party you saw in the hall-way tall and slim?”
”Rather tall, yes, sir.”
”And slim?”
”Well, he wasn't fat.”
”Did you see his face?”
”No; it was too dark for that, and, besides, he had that shawl, or whatever it was, pretty well up around him.”
”Did you notice how he walked?”
”He moved on tiptoes.”
”And you cannot imagine who it was?”
”No, sir.”
”By the way, you of course know Alexander Pop, our colored waiter.”
”Why, to be sure! Everybody knows Aleck, and we have had lots of fun with him, at one time or another. But you surely don't suspect him, do you?”
”This letter says Pop is guilty.”
”That letter? And who wrote it?”
”I do not know. It contains but two lines, and you can read it for yourself,” and the captain handed over the communication, which ran as follows:
”Alexander Pop stole that money and the other things.
”That's a mighty queer letter for anybody to write,” murmured Sam, as he handed it back. ”Why didn't the writer come to you, as I have done?”
”Perhaps he wanted to keep out of trouble.”
”I don't believe the letter tells the truth, sir.”
”And why not?”
”Because Aleck is too good-hearted a fellow to turn thief.”
”Hum! That hardly covers the ground, Samuel.”
”Well, why don't you have him searched?”
”I will.”