Part 5 (1/2)

Closer! As he leaned over the parapet his keen eyes stared down into the half-seen city spreading below him. Wide, tree-set, full of faint sounds of life; the wreaths of smoke from thousands of hearths rising to obscure it from his view. Obscuring it hopelessly with their tale of a life utterly apart from any he could lead. Even there on the housetop he had only pretended to lead it. It was not she, drifting to death so contentedly, who was alone! It was he. Yet some men he had known had seemed able to combine the two lives. They had been content to think half-caste thoughts, to rear up a tribe of half-caste children; while he? How many years was it since he had seen Zora weeping over a still little morsel of humanity, his child and hers, that lay in her tinseled veil? She had wept, mostly because she was afraid he might be angry because his son had never drawn breath; and he had comforted her. He had never told her of the relief it was to him, of the vague repulsion which the thought of a child had always brought with it. One could not help these things; and, after all, she had only cared because she was afraid he cared. She did not crave for motherhood either. It was the glow and glamour that had been the bond between them; nothing else. And, thank Heaven! she had never tired of it, had never seen him tire of it--for Death would come before that now.

A chiming clash of silver made him turn quickly. She had awakened, and seeing him by the parapet, had set her small feet to the ground, and now stood trying to steady herself by her thin, wide-spread arms.

”Zora! wait! I am coming,” he cried, starting forward. Then he paused, speech and action arrested by something in her look, her gesture.

”Let me come,” she murmured, her breath gone with the effort. ”I can come. I must be able to come. My lord is so near--so near.”

A fierce pity made him stand still. ”Surely thou canst come,” he answered. ”I will stay here.”

As she stood, with parted lips, waiting for a glint of strength ere she tried to walk, her swaying figure, the brilliance of her eyes, the heaving of her delicate throat, cut him to the very heart for her sake more than for his own. Then the jingle of her silver anklets rose again in irregular cadence, to cease at the next pillar where she paused, steadying herself against the cold stone to regain her breath.

”Surely, I can come; and he so near,” she murmured wistfully, half to herself.

”Thou art in too great a hurry, sweetheart. There is plenty of time.

The stars are barely lit, and star-time is ever our time.”

He set his teeth over the words; but the glow and the glamour should not fail her yet. He would take her back with him while he could to the past which had been so full of it.

”Come slower, my bird, I am waiting,” he said again as the jingling cadence ceased once more.

”It is so strange,” she gasped; ”I feel so strange.” And even in the dim light he could see a vague terror, a pitiful amaze in her face.

That must not be. That must be stopped. ”And it is strange,” he answered quickly. ”Strange, indeed, for me to wait like a king, when thou art my queen!”

A faint smile drove the wonder away, a faint laugh mingled with the chiming and clas.h.i.+ng. She was like a wounded bird, he thought, as he watched her; a wounded bird fluttering to find shelter from death.

”Take care! Take care of the step!” he cried, as a stumble made him start forward; but when she recovered herself blindly he stood still once more, waiting. Let her come if she could. Let her keep the glamour.

Keep it! She had done more than that. She had given it back to him at its fullest, as, close at hand he saw her radiant face, and his outstretched hands met hers warm and clasping. The touch of them made him forget all else; he drew her close to him pa.s.sionately. She gave a smiling sob of sheer content, raising her face to meet his kisses.

”I have come,” she whispered. ”I have come to my king.” Her voice ended like a sigh. Then there was silence, a fainter sigh, then silence again.

”Zora!” he called with a sudden dread at his heart. ”What is it? Zora!


Half an hour afterward, Tara Devi, obeying her master's summons, found him standing beside the bed, which he had dragged out under the stars, and flung up her arms to give the wail for what she saw there.

”Hus.h.!.+” he said sternly, clutching at her shoulder. ”I will not have her disturbed.”

Tara looked at him wonderingly. ”There is no fear of that,” she replied clearly, loudly, ”none shall disturb Zora again. She hath found _that_ freedom in the future. For the rest of us, G.o.d knows! The times are strange. So let her have her right of wailing, master. She will feel silent in the grave without the voices of her race.”

He drew his hand away sharply; even in death a great gulf lay between him and the woman he had loved.

So the death wail rang out clamorously through the soft dark air.



”I can't think,” said a good-looking middle-aged man as he petulantly pushed aside a pile of official papers, ”where Dashe picks these things up. I never come across them. And it is not as if he were in a big station or--or in the swim in any way.” He spoke fretfully, as one might who, having done his best, has failed. And he had grounds for this feeling, since the fact that the diffident district-officer named Dashe was not in the swim, must clearly have been due to his official superiors; the speaker being one of them.