Chapter 97: Noble Demon Maid (1/2)

Lawrend walked through the streets while fumbling with the ring. He then left the city by riding a carriage out.

”I hope that she doesn't get angry with me.”

Lawrend exited the gates of the city with a wry smile on his face. He looked towards the starry sky and couldn't help but admire it. He noticed that it was significantly different from the starry sky in his previous life.

”Isekai, huh?” (Transmigration)

Lawrend shook his head and walked through the mud road before taking a turn. He then headed towards where he left Aezel before. Folded right in his right arm was her maid uniform.

Before long, Lawrend reached the edge of the forest.

”Fufufu. It took you a while. I thought that you planned on leaving a pregnant mother out in the cold.”

Aezel laughed sarcastically as she rested her back against a tree.

”Something just happened.”

Lawrend replied to her awkwardly.

”Did you do it with that girl from before?”

Aezel said to him with a teasing smile.


Instead of answering her, Lawrend's mood sank gloomily.

”Huh? She didn't let you?”

Aezel thought that Lawrend was gloomy because Aleshia didn't let him do it with her.

”No. I couldn't even meet them.”

Lawrend shook his head and replied to her with a sigh.

”I see. Anyways, let me see that maid uniform.”

Aezel said and took the uniform from Lawrend's arm. She unfolded it in front of her and looked at it.

”Pretty modest. I thought you wanted me to wear a revealing one for your kink.”

Aezel nodded her head in satisfaction before ending her words with a smile.

”... I wouldn't want others to ogle my maids.”

Lawrend was speechless at her words. It took him a while to respond to her.

”Hohh… That's nice.”

Aezel looked at Lawrend with interest.

”I'll wear this now.”

Aezel informed him. She then removed her white robe.

”I've been wondering, but can you control your demonic pressure?”

Lawrend asked her in curiosity as he watched her change in front of him.

”Oh, you bought me a pretty cute set of underwear, and to answer your question, yes.”

Aezel stretched the black lingerie in front of her as she examined it.

”Do you like it?”

Lawrend asked her with a smirk.

”Of course. You're probably roaring to go after seeing my body again. Do you want to go for one round?”

Aezel glanced at Lawrend's bulging crotch with a wide smile on her face.

”That's just a natural reaction. But sorry, I'm not in the mood.”

Lawrend replied to her with a wry smile.

”Hm… You're worried about your other maids?”

Aezel pondered and asked Lawrend while still continuing to change. At this moment, she was wearing her bra already.

”Yes. I can't meet them because I was barred entry into the inn.”

Lawrend nodded his head and explained to her.

”You don't have any other way?”

Aezel asked. At this point, she was putting on her tights.

”After this, I'll try to go there with Mr. Olgar.”

Lawrend replied to her.

”Alright. I'll speed up so you can meet them faster.”

Aezel turned to him and smiled.

Before long, Aezel had already finished wearing her new maid uniform.

”How do I look?”

Aezel twirled around with an excited smile.

”Very beautiful and cute. It looks good on you.”