Part 22 (1/2)

_Young Lo._ I am glad of your conversion Master _Morecraft_: Y'are in a fair course, pray pursue it still.

_Mor._ Come, we are all gallants now, I'le keep thee company; Here honest fellow, for this Gentlemans sake, there's two Angels more for thee.

_Savil._ G.o.d quite you Sir, and keep you long in this mind.

_Young Lo._ Wilt thou persevere?

_Mor._ Till I have a penny. I have brave cloathes a making, and two horses; canst thou not help me to a match Knight, I'le lay a thousand pound upon my crop-ear.

_Yo. Lo._ Foot, this is stranger than an _Africk_ monster, There will be no more talk of the _Cleve_ wars Whilst this lasts, come, I'le put thee into blood.

_Sav._ Would all his d.a.m.n'd tribe were as tender hearted. I beseech you let this Gentleman join with you in the recovery of my Keyes; I like his good beginning Sir, the whilst I'le pray for both your wors.h.i.+ps.

_Young Lo._ He shall Sir.

_Mor._ Shall we goe n.o.ble Knight? I would fain be acquainted.

_Young Lo._ I'le be your Servant Sir. [_Exeunt._

_Enter_ Elder Loveless, _and_ Lady.

_Elder Lo._ Faith my sweet Lady, I have caught you now, maugre your subtilties, and fine devices, be coy again now.

_Lady._ Prethee sweet-heart tell true.

_Elder Lo._ By this light, by all the pleasures I have had this night, by your lost maidenhead, you are cozened meerly. I have cast beyond your wit.

That Gentleman is your retainer _Welford_.

_Lady._ It cannot be so.

_Elder Lo._ Your Sister has found it so, or I mistake, mark how she blushes when you see her next. Ha, ha, ha, I shall not travel now, ha, ha, ha.

_Lady._ Prethee sweet heart be quiet, thou hast angred me at heart.

_Elder Lo._ I'le please you soon again.

_La._ Welford?

_Elder Lo._ I _Welford_, hee's a young handsome fellow, well bred and landed, your Sister can instruct you in his good parts, better than I by this time.

_Lady._ Uds foot am I fetcht over thus?

_Elder Lo._ Yes i'faith.

And over shall be fetcht again, never fear it.

_Lady._ I must be patient, though it torture me: You have got the Sun Sir.

_Elder Lo._ And the Moon too, in which I'le be the man.

_Lady._ But had I known this, had I but surmiz'd it, you should have hunted three trains more, before you had come to th' course, you should have hankt o'th' bridle, Sir, i'faith.