Part 19 (2/2)
_Mar._ A most ill favoured one, with her Masque on: And how her face should mend the rest I know not.
_La._ But yet her mind was of a milder stuff than mine was.
_Enter_ Elder Loveless, _and_ Welford _in Womans apparel._
_Lady._ Now I see him, if my heart swell not again (away thou womans pride) so that I cannot speak a gentle word to him, let me not live.
_Elder Lo._ By your leave here.
_Lady._ How now, what new trick invites you hither?
Ha'you a fine device again?
_Elder Lo._ Faith this is the finest device I have now: How dost thou sweet heart?
_Wel._ Why very well, so long as I may please You my dear Lover. I nor can, nor will Be ill when you are well, well when you are ill.
_Elder Lo._ O thy sweet temper! what would I have given, that Lady had been like thee: seest thou her? that face (my love) join'd with thy humble mind, had made a wench indeed.
_Wel._ Alas my love, what G.o.d hath done, I dare not think to mend. I use no paint, nor any drugs of Art, my hands and face will shew it.
_La._ Why what thing have you brought to shew us there? do you take mony for it?
_Elder Lo._ A G.o.dlike thing, not to be bought for mony: 'tis my Mistris: in whom there is no pa.s.sion, nor no scorn: what I will is for law; pray you salute her.
_Lady._ Salute her? by this good light, I would not kiss her for half my wealth.
_Elder Lo._ Why? why pray you?
You shall see me do't afore you; look you.
_Lady._ Now fie upon thee, a beast would not have don't.
I would not kiss thee of a month to gain a Kingdom.
_Elder Lo._ Marry you shall not be troubled.
_Lady._ Why was there ever such a _Meg_ as this?
Sure thou art mad.
_Elder Lo._ I was mad once, when I lov'd pictures; for what are shape and colours else, but pictures? in that tawnie hide there lies an endless ma.s.s of vertues, when all your red and white ones want it.
_Lady._ And this is she you are to marry, is't not?
_Elder Lo._ Yes indeed is't.
_Lady._ G.o.d give you joy.