Chapter 183 (1/2)
Chapter 183: Chapter 56
The mayor and General s.h.i.+n, along with the soldiers, left the village.
There were dozens of soldiers, wounded, residents and Kanghyok's party left in the village.
“Much fewer wounded men than I thought,” said Kanghyok, while walking around the several houses that the mayor secured for the wounded.
Dolsok quickly responded,
“Well, most of them were killed or deserted while escaping. I guess some of them escaped.”
“I see…”
Kanghyok recalled the road through which he escaped to the wood with Yoni last night.
Obviously there were lots of soldiers running on the road at that time.
“Did you say you gathered all the heavily wounded here?”
“Yes, master. I and Yoni gave them first aid a while ago.”
“Nice job.”
Though he was not as competent as Yoni, he had good memories. Once Kanghyok taught him something, he never asked twice.
And he could easily treat somebody with bruises or light wounds.
“Where is Yoni?”
“I'm guessing she is with Yoju now. Do you want me to bring her here?”
Kanghyok shook his hand quickly.
He knew her feelings , who lost her father, because he had the same experience before.
Yoni would be of great psychological help to Yoju.
“By the way, where is Makbong?”
“I guess he would be in the village now.”
“Why is he there?”
“As you know, many men in the village were killed by the j.a.panese raiders…”
What Dolsok meant was there were many widows as a result of the raid.
Kanghyok didn't want to hear anymore.
“Crazy guy, Makbong…”
“Well, we've survived thanks to Makbong anyway. He was really good at brandis.h.i.+ng the sword.”
“Really? I would not have been here without Yoni's help.”
Of course, Yoni would have died without Kanghyok's help, too.
'This is indeed something mystery.'
Kanghyok saved Yoni's father's life by coincidence, which led to his sustained relations.h.i.+p with Yoni up to now.
Shaking his head, Kanghyok opened the gate of the house where there were seriously wounded men.
“Hmmm…” Kanghyok felt the smell from inside was disgusting.
“Most of these people are the people in this village.”
“How many medicine did you use?”
“Well, I guess I used half the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the bag, master. I didn't touch other drugs.”
“What about bandages?”
“I've used up half of them.”
“Okay. Let me take a look at the patients.”
“Yes, master. We don't have many now.”
Dolsok opened the door of the first room.
It gave out strange bad odor, along with the smell of blood.
A guy with a deep cut on his chest was lying on the floor.
“This is the man who fought with us.”
Kanghyok could recognize him at a glance.
He felt at that time that this man was almost dead, but he wasn't.
Obviously he fought to the end in order to defend Changkwon.
“Dolsok, do you any boiling water?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Bring it here. I need to clean his wounds first.”
When Dolsok went out to bring some hot water, Kanghyok examined his wounds carefully, such as how much he was bleeding, how deep the cut was and whether his bone was fractured.
'Ah, the j.a.panese's sword was broken at that time.'
Fortunately, he had no serious cuts on his body.
If any part of his lung had been cut, he could not have survived.
'His pectoral muscle was completely cut, but he could survive in this condition.'
At that moment Dolsok came in with hot water.
“Here you go, master.”
“Good. Put on gloves and get close to me.”
Kanghyok soaked gauze into hot water and began to clean the wounds.
As the blood clots began to come off, there was bleeding from the wounds again.
“Do I need to press on it?”
Both Kanghyok and Dolsok took turns cleaning and pressing on the wounds to remove the blood clots.
“Looks like the cut was not that deep.”
“Right. His sword bounced off after hitting his bone.”
“This man is really lucky as you are treating him like this.”
Kanghyok tilted his head.
“By the way, I have to st.i.tch it together.”
“Can I hold it there?” Dolsok was squeezing the open wounds, so Kanghyok could suture.
“Oh, you shouldn't do it like that.”
“The nipples on the right and left are not balanced. If they're unbalanced, it looks very strange.”
“Oh, I see.”
Kanghyok had bitter memories of that when he worked at a hospital back in modern Korea.
Though he thought he had a great suture, the patient's nipples were sutured unevenly.
After all, he had to do it over again.
That was indeed a terrible experience for him, which he would never repeat.