122 Great People? I Will See Them 3 (1/2)
The room became silent again.
Ganghyuk was moaning from time to time.
It was very unusual that Ganghyuk did not say anything after the examination.
He was pondering scratching his chin.
'Brain neuron no. 5. That is the problem. It is a sure thing.'
He looked at the face of Simin remembering the path and distribution of brain neuron no. 5.
But he could not think of any idea.
His face did not show any changes.
'Ok, I need to diagnose it first. Then I will think about the remedy.'
He was not sure if he could treat this case.
But a good doctor should keep the order.
If he gives a medicine without the correct diagnosis, he will be a quack.
He has pride as a doctor.
He broke the silence and asked questions.
”Did you have this injury a year ago?”
”How did you get it.”
”It is a long story.”
”Tell me just how you got that scar.”
Simin started his story as if he forgot the pain.
Hw.a.n.g Yungil turned his body away from Simin murmuring 'Hugh, it will be a long story again.'
But Ganghyuk could not do that.
He was older than Ganghyuk and he is a great man.
He is the loyal subject who sacrificed his life for the country in Jinju Castle.
'If I cure this injury and remove pain, he may survive in the battle,'
Of course, it would be better if Ganghyuk would be in Jinju Battle to make it sure.
But Ganghyuk does not want to take such a risk.
'It is better not to be in the battlefield. But if I have to, I will choose to be near Suns.h.i.+n.'
He was not defeated even once so the probability of death would be low.
Ganghyuk paid attention to Simin's story leaving the daydream aside.
It was not in the important scene unlike his expectation.
”Then Yeojin came. Without Suns.h.i.+n we were all dead.”
”Is that so? Then the scar…”
”Wait. I will tell you.”
He said 'soon' so Ganghyuk did not have any other option but wait.
Ganghyuk was wondering if he did not know the meaning of the word 'soon'.
His story ended at lunch time.
”Yes, a b.a.s.t.a.r.d on the horse swung his sword and I got this. I thought I died but Suns.h.i.+n rescued me. He is a great military officer with physical strength and skills.”
It seems that Simin repeated the same story many times.
When Simin started the story, Hw.a.n.g Yungil waved his hands.
”Heo, you told your story as if you were a useless man. Dr. Baik. He is a good military officer, too. He is as good as Lee Suns.h.i.+n. He has good skills in archery.”
”Haha, sir. I am not as good as he.”
”He is very humble. Anyway, please treat him. He will be a great contributor to this country.”
”I don't know if I contribute to the country greatly, but I have a mind to sacrifice myself for the country. I think I was dead at that time and my life after that time is a bonus.”
If somebody else made this remark, Ganghyuk would hoot.
But he was the man who really died for the country so Ganghyuk felt moved.
'Why am I doing? Am I getting old?'
It is said that man would shed tears easily when he got old.
He had the sign just before he came to Joseon.
He thought himself a robot because he did not cry at all.
But he was changed a year before coming to Joseon. He wept when he watched movies such as 'Gukje Market' or '1987'. A resident who watched the movies with Ganghyuk gave him his handkerchief because he cried too hard.
'Actually, that was only the beginning. I cried even when I saw a comedy movie.'
He did not understand why he did that.
When he saw himself in the mirror, he felt strange. He could not acknowledge his change.
He did not want to show his weakness in front of great men.
Ganghyuk kept asking.
”Yes. Then what treatment did you have?”
”It seemed not a big problem. I left it. It cured automatically.”
”Did you leave it without treatment? Was there anyone who took care of it?”
”Yes, I did. He wiped the blood out and gave me fluid food for better digestion. Suns.h.i.+n helped me a lot.”
Whenever he remembered the old days, he talked about Suns.h.i.+n.
It seems that he fell in love with Suns.h.i.+n.
'It is good to see the great men taking care of each other.'
If this relations.h.i.+p could continue, how it would be beautiful.
But the history did not allow it to be developed.
Even Admiral Lee died in his last battle.
'I have to concentrate on the examination.'
Ganghyuk tried to concentrate on the scar and remedy suppressing his sentimental thought.
”Then, the scar was made at that time.”
”No, it was open and now it is closed automatically.”
”No other treatment, right?”
Simin nodded his head.
Since medicine was not developed, they did not know about trauma treatment.
'Even in western countries, they burnt and sterilized with alcohol at that time.'
Additionally, Joseon has been peaceful country without war for quite a long time.
It was said trauma remedy was more developed in the Warring States period in ancient China.
Even Mukjae Ilgi or Miam Ilgi which were known to be best medical books in that period did not have any records on trauma treatment.
Ganghyuk sighed again.