106 Anatomy 2 (1/2)
Ganghyuk cut from the upper side of the navel to the right upper part of the pubis. And then he made a cross cut from the one side to the other side of waist.
As the blood had been removed, no blood came out with cutting.
”Let's see this section.”
Ganghyuk showed the section he cut to the group.
At that moment, one of them went out quickly.
It was Makbong.
He did hang the corpse and removed blood from the dead body.
But now he showed an unexpected thing.
The warehouse door moved and there was some sound of vomit.
Others felt the same vomiting feeling inside.
It disturbed the anatomy.
But Ganghyuk did not shout or be mad at him.
It was not the first time to experience it.
There were many people who did operate but could not stand the anatomy.
Ganghyuk looked around the fellows.
'Let's see. Who are ok… Heo Jun, Heo Im, Yeoni… Oh, Dolseok?'
He looked placid, although he had a chicken heart.
It was a surprising thing compared to Makbong who fled away.
Dolseok was smiling. Ganghyuk thought he might use this incident to pull Makbong's legs later.
'Yeoju manages to stand there. Yes. I need her. I need a painter.'
He would not repeat the anatomy from scratch like this.
For that purpose, there should be a record.
”I did not say in detail. It would smell. It may be grotesque. You may go out and vomit like Makbong. But I recommend turning your head away when you think you cannot handle the scene.”
”Yes, sir.”
”And… here are cotton b.a.l.l.s. They will keep your nose from bad odor. It is the first time for me to do anatomy on the unprocessed body. I usually dissect a body processed with formalin. It smells a lot.”
n.o.body knew formalin.
Who would know it? It was Joseon.
Formalin was invented in Germany.
But n.o.body asked what it was.
They were already accustomed to Ganghyuk's strange comments and it was not important here.
”Eum. I feel better with the cotton b.a.l.l.s.”
Heo Jun talked with two cotton b.a.l.l.s in his nostrils.
They looked funny, but they could not help it.
The dead body started to decay, which made a terrible smell.
Ganghyuk answered.
He remembered when he did the same thing in the practice room.
”When I dissect a formalin processed body, I hated the formalin smell. But I know that it was far better than this smell.”
As a matter of fact, formalin was not a good material.
If we defined it in a word, it is a toxic material with pungent smell without color.
It was designated as a Grade 1 carcinogen.
Therefore, the smell was pungent.
Once the ventilator was out of order and they had to dissect with the smell throughout the process.
He cried a lot at that day because of pungent smell. It irritated his eyes.
'But I was thrilled to do that.'
On the book, there were only pictures on the paper and it was really hard to understand.
In the practice room, everything was in three-dimensional and he could touch it.
He could not forget the feeling, so he wanted to let the fellows feel the same thrill.
When Ganghyuk confirmed that everybody had cotton b.a.l.l.s in their nostrils, he reversed the section of the stomach.
”See. The surface is the skin. It is thinner than we think.”
”Then, you can see yellow layer. It is fat. This person has very thin because he did not eat well.”
”Then the red thing is muscle?”
”Yes, Yeoni is good. He also has very thin muscle. He did not have time to make a muscle and he is old, too.”
Ganghyuk left the flesh feeling sorry for the old man.
Then he picked up the scalpel again and opened his mouth.
”I will cut the peritoneum now. It will smell badly. Intestines decay very quickly.”
”Ok. I see.”
Heo Jun and Heo Im nodded their heads with their eyes wide open.
They showed their determination to learn in their eyes.
But Ganghyuk could not perform it further. He hesitated.
It was a first time for him to dissect the dead body which was not processed with formalin.
He was afraid of the smell.
'How does it smell? I hope it is still good.'
Considering the time when Dolseok and Yeoni started artificial respiration, it has not more than an hour since he died.
Ganghyuk pressed the scalpel on the skin of the dead body.
He cut it with one trial.
It was not to save a person but to see the content in the body.
When the scalpel of Ganghyuk moved, the intestines in the body were shown.
The intestine showing the most conspicuous difference is the colon.
The germs in the intestine proliferated and made gas.
It became 1.5 times bigger than normal.
”Eum. It does not look like this in a living body. Anyway, you can see a big tube parallel to this.”
”It is the r.e.c.t.u.m going to the a.n.u.s… If you look at it closely, you can see the part which turns to the bottom. The stool moves in the direction that I point now.”
”Ah… then, this is the last digestion organ.”
”Yes, Dr. Heo. If we leave it here, it will decay very soon. So I will remove it.”
”Yes, I see.”
Ganghyuk did not cut it right away. Instead, he cut both ends of the colon with thick thread.
If he cut without tying, all the facets and gases inside the body would go out through the colon.