87 Advisor Of Heo Jun 2 (1/2)
The conversation with Heo Jun kept going.
Their chat was mostly about their knowledge of medicine.
Heo Jun was especially interested in hemorrhoids.
”You have cured the disease that plagued Lord Ryu Seongyong for a long time.
”Yes, I did.”
Ganghyuk remembered the days when he first arrived in Hanyang.
When he was invited by Lee Suns.h.i.+n, he did not expect he would treat someone's a.n.u.s.
He did not imagine he would see his a.n.u.s on the first day when he was introduced to the great hero, Ryu Seongyong.
He met Lee Hangbok there and was involved in a significant incident in history. The revolt of Jeong Yeorip.
'All started from the a.n.u.s.'
Ganghyuk laughed.
”Why are you laughing? Did I make any mistake?”
Heo Jun was serious as always.
His face showed his anxiety about making mistakes.
”No, no.”
Ganghyuk shook his head.
He changed the topic thereafter.
”Lord Ryu had bad hemorrhoids.”
”Yes, I heard so. I also heard he had to stay at home for a month because of that disease.”
”Yes, that is true, but now he is completely cured.”
'If he does sitz bath regularly, he will not have suffered from it as long as it did. I did my best in the operation.'
”May I know what method of treatment you used?”
Ganghyuk nodded his head.
It was not a big trade secret.
He asked Yeoju to draw the treatment procedure in detail for this purpose.
He wanted to teach people.
If the student was Heo Jun, Ganghyuk would be gladdened to teach him.
”Good. I made materials for teaching.”
”Really. Then why don't you…Well.”
Heo Jun wanted to go to Ganghyuk's house right away, but he remembered Kyehan.
He was still sleeping.
He looked fine now, but he just barely escaped the threshold of death.
Heo Jun could not leave him alone.
Although he knew there was not much for him to do anyway…
Ganghyuk knew it well.
He was different from Ganghyuk who thought of himself first.
That was the reason why Ganghyuk liked Heo Jun so much.
”Take your time. I do not have anything special to do, so I will visit you frequently for a while.”
”Ah, I have some fellows who think the same way I do. Can we learn together?”
Heo Jun looked at the door.
He was cautious not to be heard from outside.
He continued with a softer voice.
”There are a lot of stubborn people here. If the news that you cured Kim Kyehan spreads, they will criticize you.”
”Criticize? Why? I saved his life.”
”You used a different method. They believe we need to keep with our tradition, the old method.”
Ganghyuk could not agree with this way of thinking.
To keep the old method in medicine? It's an applied science needed to be updated every day.
What he had learned in the school was often proven wrong after a while.
Detailed guidelines might change every pa.s.sing year.
Heo Jun nodded his head looking at the astounded Ganghyuk.
”Yes, it is nonsense, but this is what the senior doctors so...”
”Eum. Did I put you in trouble then? I'm afraid.”
”Haha. If he died, only then would I be in trouble. He survived, so there will no issues. At the moment, I have the highest position among all the doctors here.”
”Aha, that is good.”
A hierarchy was always important. Joseon was not an exception.
'Yes, it is the same even in Joseon. No, maybe it is stronger here since Joseon is a strictly hierarchical society.'
Ganghyuk remembered his days as a professor in his world.
When he circulated around, at least two residents would follow him.
One would prepare the patients for his circulation and the other reported special things happening. This all happened while Ganghyuk saw through his outpatients, or if he was in the middle of an operation.
Ganghyuk walked as he listened to their explanation, nodding his head.
'Well…It is not too bad either.'
He had some worries because of possibly committing treason.
However, most of the time he could do whatever he wanted.
He was quite satisfied with his life in Joseon.
He remembered the strong friends he now had and smiled with satisfaction.
”Now, you are a quite high-ranking official. Haha.”
”It is all because of the grace of the king. I was appointed as Cheomjeong (Grade 4) out of his Majesty's mercy.”
”You deserve it, you're a great doctor after all.”
”No, I am flattered. I am not so good at accepting compliments, especially from you.”
Heo Jun blushed as he laughed.
It was good to be respected by a great man from history.
”I will try to teach you well.”
”Yes, please.”
Ganghyuk looked at the fellows who were playing with their teacups, listening to their conversation.
Dolseok and Yeoni had quite an amazing skill considering the time they were together.
However, they were not formally trained, so they did not have basic knowledge.
Ganghyuk felt sorry for that since he wanted to nurture his followers.
'It may be an excuse…Whenever I tried to teach them, an incident would occur.'
If he came to teach fellows in the Naeeuiwon, he wanted to teach Yeoni and Dolseok together.
”Can I let them learn in the cla.s.s together?”
”Of course, we can learn at night, as it should be done in secrecy.”
”Night school. That is good, too. I see. Ah, he is waking up.”
Ganghyuk pointed Kyehan who raised his body with a stretch of his arms.
He woke up when they finished talking as if he knew when exactly he should wake up.
'He became a subject of merit since he was quick-witted like that.'
King Seonjo was blamed a lot because he ran away, leaving his people behind.
However, as a servant, Kyehan did his job.