Part 5 (1/2)
TABLE 13--TIME GIVEN TO PHYSICAL TRAINING ======+=======================+======================== | Hours per year | Per cent of grade time Grade +-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ | Cleveland | 50 cities | Cleveland | 50 cities ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ 1 | 63 | 46 | 87 | 54 2 | 54 | 41 | 62 | 45 3 | 38 | 40 | 44 | 45 4 | 38 | 40 | 43 | 42 5 | 38 | 38 | 43 | 40 6 | 38 | 40 | 43 | 42 7 | 38 | 38 | 43 | 37 8 | 38 | 39 | 43 | 40 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ Total | 345 | 322 | 50 | 42 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------
Even though it is a little above the average amount of time, it is nevertheless too little A week consists of 168 hours After deducting 12 hours a day for sleep, meals, etc, there remain 84 hours per week to be used In a state of nature this was largely used for physical play Under the artificial conditions of ed They still need huge amounts of active physical play for wholesoet away from the school, but as urban conditions take away proper play opportunities, the loss in large degree has to beand rounds and playrooms for 12 months in the year The school and its iical place for this development
The course of study lays out a series of obsolescent Swedish gymnastics for each of the years The work observed wasin vitality Sandwiched in between exhausting intellectual drill, it has the value of giving a little relief and rest This is good, but it is not sufficiently positive to be called physical training
Very desirable i advocated by the directors and supervisors of the work They are reco where conditions will perames, athletics, folk dances, etc The movements should be proular teachers as a rule have not the necessary point of view and do not sufficiently value the work
Special teachers and play leaders need to be employed Material facilities should be extended and irounds are too s is not alell adapted to play; often apparatus is not supplied; indoor playroos need to be supplied before the physical training curriculuh schools two periods of physical training per week in academic and commercial schools, and three or four periods per week in the technical schools, are prescribed for the first two years of the course In the last two years it is oh School of Commerce, where it is optional With one or two exceptions, the little given is eneral lack of sufficiently large athletic fields, tennis courts, baseball diamonds, and other necessary facilities
Special co the athletics of the technical high schools Probably no plan anywhere e the entire student body in a vital way
With the exceptions referred to, it seems that the city has not sufficiently considered the indispensable need of huge amounts of physical play on the part of adolescents as the basis of full and life-long physical vitality High school students represent the best youth of the cole asset of the new generation There are scores of other expensive things that the city can better afford to neglect The one thing it can least afford to sacrifice on the altar of economy is the vitality of its citizens of tomorrow
In the ele considerably h schools, except for a one-hour optional course in the High School of Coiven no credit It is entirely pertinent to inquire why e and then lose all of this ih school is reached
TABLE 14--TIME GIVEN TO MUSIC ======+=======================+======================== | Hours per year | Per cent of grade time Grade +-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ | Cleveland | 50 cities | Cleveland | 50 cities ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ 1 | 47 | 45 | 65 | 52 2 | 54 | 48 | 61 | 53 3 | 54 | 47 | 61 | 51 4 | 54 | 48 | 61 | 49 5 | 51 | 45 | 57 | 47 6 | 51 | 45 | 57 | 46 7 | 51 | 45 | 57 | 44 8 | 51 | 44 | 57 | 44 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------ Total | 413 | 367 | 60 | 48 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------
The probability is either that it is over-valued for the elementary school and should receive dih school and should be given the dignity and the consideration of a credit course, as it is in ed that the subject is finished in the elementary schools Pupils in fact receive only an introductory training in vocal music The whole field of instruht to consider the question of whether the course ought not to be h school period as an elective subject However, in considering the question it should be kept in s ofimmediate necessity
Gerht in the eleht in all grades beginning with the first
More recently it has been confined to the four upper grades Beginning with the present year, it is taught only in the seventh and eighth grades The situation is so well presented in the report of the Educational Commission of 1906 that further discussion here is unnecessary They su of German in the eleinated in a nationalistic feeling and derants, and not in any educational or pedagogical necessity
”It aimed to induce the children of Gerlish and be sooner Americanized
”For 15 years [now 25 years] past, Gerration has almost ceased, and other European nationalities, as the Bohemians, Poles, and Italians, have taken their place nurants are already Ae freely, and those later born, of the second and third generations, no longer need to be taught Gere
”It is demonstrated by experience and by abundant testilish-speaking farades, that is, froe
”Hence the Corades be discontinued and that the Gerh schools
”It is adh school, after the second year, can keep up with and do as good work in the saht years of Gerh schools”
The for German in the elearian, Boheeneration of these nationalities Properly done, it is afroeneration, it would not be needed