Part 31 (2/2)
You'll lose your head if you don't watch out.”
” Not I” cried Coleman with irritation. ” But a man must turn loose some times, mustn't he?”
When the four, students had separated in the corri- dor, had posted at once to Nora Black's sitting room. His entrance was somewhat precipitate, but he cooled down almost at once, for he reflected that he was not bearing good news. He ended by perching in awkward fas.h.i.+on on the brink of his chair and fumbling his hat uneasily. Nora floated to him in a cloud of a white dressing gown. She gave him a plump hand. ”Well, youngman? ”she said, with a glowing smile. She took a chair, and the stuff of her gown fell in curves over the arms of it., looked hot and bothered, as if he could have more than half wanted to retract his visit. ” I-aw- we haven't seen much of you lately,” he began, sparing.
He had expected to tell his news at once.
No,” said Nora, languidly. ” I have been resting after that horrible journey-that horrible journey.
Dear, dear! Nothing,will ever induce me to leave London, New York and Paris. I am at home there.
But here I Why, it is worse than living in Brooklyn.
And that journey into the wilds! No. no; not for me! ”
” I suppose we'll all be glad to get home,” said, aimlessly.
At the moment a waiter entered the room and began to lay the table for luncheon. He kept open the door to the corridor, and he had the luncheon at a point just outside the door. His excursions to the trays were flying ones, so that, as far as's purpose was concerned, the waiter was always in the room. Moreover, was obliged, naturally, to depart at once. He had bungled everything.
As he arose he whispered hastily: ” Does this waiter understand English ? ”
”Yes,” answered Nora. ”Why?”
”Because I have something to tell you-important.”
”What is it? ” whispered Nora, eagerly.
He leaned toward her and replied: ” Marjory Wainwright and Coleman are engaged.”
To his unfeigned astonishment, Nora Black burst into peals of silvery laughter, ” Oh, indeed? And so this is your tragic story, poor, innocent lambkin?
And what did you expect? That I would faint?” -
” I thought-I don't know-” murmured in confusion.
Nora became suddenly business-like. ” But how do you know? Are you sure? Who told you? Anyhow, stay to luncheon. Do-like a good boy. Oh, you must.” dropped again into his chair. He studied her in some wonder. ” I thought you'd be surprised,”
he said, ingenuously.
” Oh, you did, did you ? Well, you see I'm not.
And now tell me all about it.”
”There's really nothing to tell but the plain fact.
Some of the boys dropped in at the minister's rooms a little while ago, and, he told them of it.
That's all.”
Well, how did he know?