Part 26 (1/2)
” Indeed” said the minister staring. Then he hastily addressed the students. ” Well, isn't this a comic war? Did you ever imagine war could be like this ? ” The professor remained looking at his wife with an air of stupefaction, as if she had opened up to him visions of imbecility of which he had not even dreamed. The students loyally began to chatter at the minister. ” Yes, sir, it is a queer war. After all their bragging, it is funny to hear that they are running away with such agility. We thought, of course, of the old Greek wars.”
Later, the minister asked them all to his rooms for coffee and cigarettes, but the professor and Mrs.
Wainwright apologetically retired to their own quarters.
The minister and the students made clouds of smoke, through which sang the eloquent descriptions of late adventures.
The minister had spent days of listening to questions from the State Department at Was.h.i.+ngton as to the whereabouts of the Wainwright party. ”I suppose you know that you,are very prominent people in, the United States just now ? Your pictures must have been in all the papers, and there must have been columns printed about you. My life here was made almost insupportable by your friends, who consist, I should think, of about half the population of the country. Of course they laid regular siege to the de.
partment. I am angry at Coleman for only one thing.
When he cabled the news of your rescue to his news.
paper from Arta, he should have also wired me, if only to relieve my failing mind. My first news of your escape was from Was.h.i.+ngton-think of that.”
”Coleman had us all on his hands at Arta,” said Peter Tounley. ” He was a fairly busy man.”
” I suppose so,” said the minister. ” By the way,”
he asked bluntly, ”what is wrong with him? What did Mrs. Wainwright mean? ”
They were silent for a time, but it seemed plain to him that it was not evidence that his question had demoralised them. They seemed to be deliberating upon the form of answer. Ultimately Peter Tounley coughed behind his hand. ” You see, sir,” he began, ” there is-well, there is a woman in the case. Not that anybody would care to speak of it excepting to you. But that is what is the cause of things, and then, you see, Mrs. Wainwright is-well-” He hesitated a moment and then completed his sentence in the ingenuous profanity of his age and condition. ” She is rather an extraordinary old bird.”
” But who is the woman ?
”Why, it is Nora Blaick, the actress.”
”Oh,” cried the minister, enlightened. ” Her Why, I saw her here. She was very beautiful, but she seemed harmless enough. She was somewhat-er- confident, perhaps, but she did not alarm me. She called upon me, and I confess I-why, she seemed charming.”
” She's sweet on little Rufus. That's the point,”
said an oracular voice.
” Oh,” cried the host, suddenly. ” I remember. She asked me where he was. She said she had heard he was in Greece, and I told her he had gone knight- erranting off after you people. I remember now. I suppose she posted after him up to Arta, eh ? ”
” That's it. And so she asked you where he was?
” Yes.”
” Why, that old flamingo-Mrs. Wainwright insists that it was a rendezvous.”
Every one exchanged glances and laughed a little.
” And did you see any actual fighting ? ” asked the minister.
” No. We only beard it-”
Afterward, as they were trooping up to their rooms, Peter Tounley spoke musingly. ” Well, it looks to me now as if Old Mother Wainwright was just a bad-minded old hen.”
” Oh, I don't know. How is one going to tell what the truth is ? ”
” At any rate, we are sure now that Coleman had nothing to do with Nora's debut in Epirus.”
They had talked much of Coleman, but in their tones there always had been a note of indifference or carelessness. This matter, which to some people was as vital and fundamental as existence, remained to others who knew of it only a harmless detail of life, with no terrible powers, and its significance had faded greatly when had ended the close a.s.sociat.ions of the late adventure.
After dinner the professor had gone directly to his daughter's room. Apparently she had not moved.
He knelt by the bedside again and took one of her hands. She was not weeping. She looked at him and smiled through the darkness. ” Daddy, I would like to die,” she said. ” I think-yes-I would like to die.”