Part 17 (2/2)

” It must have been about something,” continued Marjory.

She continued, because Peter had denied that she was concerned in it. ” Whose fault ? ”

”I really don't know. It was all rather confusing,” lied Peter, tranquilly.

Coleman and the professor decided to accept a plan of the correspondent's dragoman to start soon on the first stage of the journey to Athens. The dragoman had said that he had found two large carriages rentable., the outcast, walked alone in the narrow streets. The flight of the crown prince's army from Larissa had just been announced in Arta, but was probably the most woebegone object on the Greek peninsula.

He encountered a strange sight on the streets. A woman garbed in the style for walking of an afternoon on upper Broadway was approaching him through a ma.s.s of kilted mountaineers and soldiers in soiled overcoats. Of course he recognised Nora Black.

In his conviction that everybody in the world was at this time considering him a mere worm, he was sure that she would not heed him. Beyond that he had been presented to her notice in but a transient and cursory fas.h.i.+on. But contrary to his conviction, she turned a radiant smile upon him. ” Oh,” she said, brusquely, ” you are one of the students. Good morning.” In her manner was all the confidence of an old warrior, a veteran, who addresses the universe with a.s.surance because of his past battles. grinned at this strange greeting. ” Yes, Miss Black,” he answered, ” I am one of the students.”

She did not seem to quite know how to formulate her next speech. ” Er-I suppose you're going to Athens at once ” You must be glad after your horrid experiences.”

” I believe they are going to start for Athens today,” said

Nora was all attention. ”'They ?'” she repeated.

”Aren't you going with them? ”

” Well,” he said, ” * * Well---”

She saw of course that there had been some kind of trouble.

She laughed. ” You look as if somebody had kicked you down stairs,” she said, candidly. She at once a.s.sumed an intimate manner toward him which was like a temporary motherhood. ”

Come, walk with me and tell me all about it.” There was in her tone a most artistic suggestion that whatever had happened she was on his side. He was not loath. The street was full of soldiers whose tongues clattered so loudly that the two foreigners might have been wandering in a great cave of the winds. ” Well, what was the row about ? ” asked Nora. ” And who was in it? ”

It would have been no solace to to pour out his tale even if it had been a story that he could have told Nora.

He was not stopped by the fact that he had gotten himself in the quarrel because he had insulted the name of the girt at his side. He did not think of it at that time. The whole thing was now extremely vague in outline to him and he only had a dull feeling of misery and loneliness. He wanted her to cheer him.

Nora laughed again. ” Why, you're a regular little kid. Do you mean to say you've come out here sulking alone because of some nursery quarrel? ” He was ruffled by her manner. It did not contain the cheering he required. ” Oh, I don't know that I'm such a regular little kid,” he said, sullenly. ” The quarrel was not a nursery quarrel.”

”Why don't you challenge him to a duel? ” asked Nora, suddenly. She was watching him closely.

” Who?” said

” Coleman, you stupid,” answered Nora.

They stared at each other, paying her first the tribute of astonishment and then the tribute of admiration. ”Why, how did you guess that?” he demanded.

” Oh,” said Nora., ” I've known Rufus Coleman for years, and he is always rowing with people.”

”That is just it,” cried eagerly. ”That is just it.

I fairly hate the man. Almost all of the other fellows will stand his abuse, but it riles me, I tell you. I think he is a beast. And, of course, if you seriously meant what you said about challenging him to a duel--I mean if there is any sense in that sort of thing-I would challenge Coleman. I swear I would. I think he's a great bluffer, anyhow. Shouldn't wonder if he would back out.

Really, I shouldn't.
